Are you looking for Crazy Kart cheat or Crazy Kart BOT ? I have the one. You can see the tutors of Crazy Kart cheat on the video below and follow the tutorial on your own character. For the Crazy Kart tutorial, you can watch the video below :
Download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99 for Bypass GG 1299. This is the lates version of Moonlight Engine for now! For download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99 you can click the link below :
Here's the tutors to cheating on Indonesian RF Online. But, before you read the tutors you must download the files below :
Kiki Engine 1.41
rf02032009 (Patch RF 2 Maret 2009)
Delphine Hack 1.0.1 by N3F0
After you finished download all files, read the tutors below :
If you don't know what is "method (+1)", here's the explanation :
Good luck guys!
*Translated from Tutorial Cheat RF Online Terbaru
I just found a question on Yahoo!Answer about World of Warcraft, the question is not "How to register WoW ?". There was a boy and his brother who need advice on what class he should make. The options are druid or priest and what spec to choose on either of them ?
Here the real question and answer that I taken from Yahoo!Answer and I hope it useful :
Hello everyone, I would like to get some advice on what class I should make. Here are some things to consider:
I will be doing the Recruit-a-friend with my brother so that we can train together and get the bonus xp... In order to do a good job, and be able to run some instances with a few people (or by ourselves), we've decided he will be a warrior (tank) and I will be in charge of the healing.
What I can't decide on is whether it would be better for us if I made a druid or priest and what spec to choose on either of them. Also note that we will be doing PVE since I'm not much of a PVP person at all.
I would also appreciate it if you could recommend the professions I should choose. My brother has a pretty high tailoring lock that can make us good bags to start with, but since we are both pretty new to WoW we don't really know what prof. are good for certain classes later on.
Thank you so much I appreciate all the advice you can give me =)
And here the answer :
Druid 100%. Druids are far more versatile than priests. To level feral is probably the easiest and fastest spec, if you're leveling solo. However since it sounds like you plan to level with your Bro you may as well go Resto (the healing spec) so you can get used to the healing role right off the bat. You'll probably be ok putting some points into Balance (the magic dps spec) to help out with the damage as you level, but once you reach 80 you'll probably want to make sure you're mainly spec'd Resto if you want to heal. As far as end game healing, druids tend to be pretty sought after, generally more so than priests (at least on my server).
As far as professions go, herbalism and alchemy would probably be a good choice as you will be able to make potions that benefit both you and your bro. Skinning/leatherworking is also a decent profession, though you'll probably find that by the time you have the materials you need to make a certain armor piece you'll already have something better. Leatherworkers have some pretty nice patterns they can use only on their own stuff, but I don't think much of it is of particular use to healers.
IMO, unless you really want to have a crafting profession choosing 2 gathering professions is the best option. Go with skinning and either herbalism or mining (herbalism would probably be a little more beneficial to you). That way you'll have the mats and be able to commission other craftsmen to make what you need, and generally still have plenty of stuff left over to sell on the AH. You'll be filthy rich before you know it.
*Dont forget to see World of Warcraft Map and Buy Human Priestess Action Fifure WoW and
This is cheat for Pet Society Box in Facebook game. And this cheat is Free! Here's the tutors for Pet Society Mystery Box :
So, good luck guys! ^.^
*Source Game Online Zones