Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

MapleStory Mercedes Skill Guide

MapleStory Mercedes is a new class included in the latest update of the game, Legend, along with Cannoneer and Demon Slayer. MapleStory Mercedes is an alternative to Archer class. MapleStory Mercedes is well known for her title, The Queen of Elluel Elves. MapleStory Mercedes is unique because it holds a new, exclusive weapon dubbed the Dual Blowgun. Even though the name is MapleStory Mercedes, you still can choose male for this character. But I think the word “male” does not suit him, I would rather call him “Pretty Boy” due to his girly appearance.

Of course there are a lot of reasons, why you should choose MapleStory Mercedes instead of other classes. First thing first, MapleStory Mercedes starts at level 10, unlike other heroes that start at level 1. She moves like crazy and she has linked skills that increase the exp earned by 10 percent. MapleStory Mercedes is undeniably unique; no arrow is needed to fire her Dual Blowgun, instead magic arrow is used. And this thing will absolutely convince you to create a MapleStory Mercedes, she has unicorns. I meant the horse with wings and a horn on its forehead! Sweet son of a gun!

MapleStory Mercedes

MapleStory Mercedes

MapleStory Mercedes is not a perfect class. Instead of the level advantage that MapleStory Mercedes has, unlike archers that get extra 40 percent health points, MapleStory Mercedes only has around 3700 max health points. Period. There are still other problems, but I can’t see any problem more serious than this. Just be careful that malicious players tend to bully and discriminate MapleStory Mercedes because the class is considered to be over-powered. And prepare to be called gay by playing as a MapleStory Mercedes.

For the attributes, it is just like archers. The primary attribute is dexterity and the secondary is strength. It is advised to put 1 point to strength every 4 points spent on dexterity. Now, what skills to improve? From level 10 to 30, there are 2 recommended builds. But all of them will get the same final result, which is all skill at max.

Build A
Level 10 = Glide Blast + 4 [4], Swift Dual Shot + 1 [1]
Level 11-12 = Glide Blast + 3 [10 MAX]
Level 13-18 = Swift Dual Shot + 3 [18]
Level 19 = Swift Dual Shot + 2 [20 MAX], Sharp Aiming + 1 [1]
Level 20-25 = Sharp Aiming + 3 [18]
Level 26 = Sharp Aiming + 2 [20 MAX], Potential Power + 1 [1]
Level 27-30 = Potential Power + 3 [20 MAX]

Build B
Level 10 = Glide Blast + 4 [4], Swift Dual Shot + 1 [1]
Level 11-12 = Glide Blast + 3 [10 MAX]
Level 13-17 = Potential Power + 3 [15 MAX]
Level 18-23 = Sharp Aiming + 3 [18]
Level 24 = Sharp Aiming + 2 [20 MAX], Swift Dual Shot + 1 [2]
Level 25-30 = Swift Dual Shot +3 [20 MAX]

Now, for the second class advancement skills build. This build will get all your skills to max except for Piercing Storm since it will be replaced by a better skill on the next class advancement. This build will leave either Gust Dive or Unicorn Strike at level 16. Use Rushing Rush prior to the Final Attack for higher damage.

Level 30 = Piercing Storm + 1 [1]
Level 31 = Rising Rush + 1 [1], Parting Shot + 1 [1], Physical Training +1 [1]
Level 32-34 = Physical Training + 3 [10 MAX]
Level 35-39 = Spirit Surge + 3 [15 MAX]
Level 40 = Parting Shot + 3 [4]
Level 41 = Parting Shot + 1 [5 MAX], Dual Bowgun Mastery + 2 [2]
Level 42-47 = Dual Bowgun Mastery + 3 [20 MAX]
Level 47-51 = Rising Rush + 3 [13]
Level 52 = Rising Rush + 2 [15 MAX], Final Attack + 1 [1]
Level 53-58 = Final Attack + 3 [19]
Level 59 = Final Attack + 1 [20 MAX], Piercing Storm +2 [3]
Level 60-63 = Piercing Storm + 3 [15]
Level 64 = Piercing Storm + 1 [16], Dual Bowgun Booster + 2 [2]
Level 65-70 = Dual Bowgun Booster + 3 [20 MAX]

For the third class advancement recommended builds:
Level 70 = Stunning Strikes + 1 [1]
Level 71 = Gust Dive + 1 [1], Aerial Barrage + 1 [1], Leaf Tornado + 1 [1]
Level 72–77 = Ignis Roar + 3 [18]
Level 78 = Ignis Roar + 2 [20 MAX], Unicorn Spike + 1 [1]
Level 79-82 = Aerial Barrage + 3 [13]
Level 83 = Aerial Barrage + 2 [15 MAX], Stunning Strikes + 1 [2]
Level 84-89 = Stunning Strikes + 3 [20 MAX]
Level 90-95 = Water Shield + 3 [18]
Level 96 = Water Shield + 2 [20 MAX], Leaf Tornado + 1 [2]
Level 97-102= Leaf Tornado + 3 [20 MAX]
Level 103-108= Elemental Knight + 3 [18]
Level 109 = Elemental Knight + 2 [20 MAX], Gust Dive/Unicorn Strike +1 [2]
Level 110-115= Gust Dive/Unicorn Strike + 3[20 MAX]
Level 116-120= Gust Dive/Unicorn Strike + 3 [16]

Handy MapleStory Mercedes guide huh?

Source: MapleStory Mercedes - BasilMarket.com

SWTOR Talent Calculator is Essential?

SWTOR talent calculator is a very useful tool. Well, generally, a talent calculator is used to plan a build. This is not a rare tool for games, especially for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that requires you to be careful in choosing skills and classes as it impacts your style of play greatly. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, there is indeed a respect feature, meaning, you can take back all your skill points spent at skill tree to re-spend them at other skill tree for a price. Respec cost will scale up each time you respect, so, to avoid further credits spent in vain, SWTOR talent calculator comes in handy.

There are a lot of websites that offer SWTOR talent calculator to help you plan your character final build that fits your style of play well. The tool usually has an option to embed it to your website, making it a great tool. But, to maintain its quality, every talent calculator developer has to update their calculator every time a new update is released. Every talent calculator is different in style and shape, but has the same general purpose. This is 3 out of many sites that offer SWTOR talent calculator along with the quick overview:

SWTOR Talent Calculator

SWTOR Talent Calculator

This is my favorite SWTOR talent calculator site. The design is stylish and simple and it is user-friendly. There is an option to reset skill points in a skill tree and even reset all. Tooltips are available for all skills, though the cooldown time is not included. To see the tooltips, just put the cursor over your chosen skill, and there you are. The link to share your build is always available in your browser’s address bar and always updated every time you spend a point on a skill to make it easier and simpler to share links. Your build can also be embedded to your site! The downside is that you cannot use the backward or forward feature of your browser because it breaks the calculator’s behavior.

R2-DB provides you with an exceptional talent calculator. This site’s calculator is similar to Torhead’s, but with different layouts. This one does not get behavior-break when the history traversal feature of a browser is used. The tooltip is underlined so that it will be easier and more comfortable to read. It has a big design. The downsides are, not all skill images are available and there are some uncompleted tooltip. R2-DB seems to have joined with Torhead.

Darth Hater DB
This is calculator has the same weakness as Torhead’s, history traversal with the backward or forward button will break its behavior. The URL will also be automatically updated in the address bar every time the user changes the skill point usage. It is also the only talent calculator with full tooltip information, including cooldown time. The layout is neat, mirror advanced classes are paired at the bottom of the page. But, there is a typo and wrong pairing. Like the Maruader which is supposed to be Marauder and the Jedi Sage/Sith Assassin pair that should have been Jedi Sage/Sith Sorcerer or Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin. Embedding it to your website is possible.

Since SWTOR talent calculator is important, you got to choose the best site. Which one is your website of choice?

Small Egg WoW = Bags of Golds!

Small egg WoW is an item that is dropped mostly by bird-like monsters. Even though it is small, this item has a high reputation. Small egg WoW is one of the most searched items in the game especially in this kind of time, Winter Veil 2011. Because of that, you can take advantage of this situation to get as much profit as you can with this small egg WoW before the event ends.

Why it is pretty popular? Small egg is one of the ingredients needed to cook Egg Nog and Gingerbread Cookies. Those two foods are 2 out of 3 requirements for the legendary achievement, The Winter Veil Gourmet. And this achievement is needed to get the Merrymaker title, which is essential to get the Proto-Drake and 310% flying skill freebie. Other than that, Gingerbread Cookies are also the requirement in completing “Treats for Grandfather Winter” quest. Small egg WoW is highly-valued in the Winter Veil event.

Small Egg WoW

Small Egg WoW

In order to complete the quest and the achievement, players are forced to farm or to buy it in the Auction House. Because the demand is much higher than the available stock, the price is “profitable”. There are two types of player regarding this problem. The lazy players, freebies lovers, and opportunity chasers. The lazy players are too lazy to move their ass out of the city. So, they rather spend their hard-earned coins to buy small eggs in a high price than going out in the wild fighting some guy over a small egg. Freebies lovers don’t want to spend their coins at all, so, they go kill under-leveled poor birds for their eggs and will stop hunting when the required amount of eggs is reached. The plan is to be the opportunity chaser. You will be getting eggs from birds with the best drop rates, and sell it in the auction house. If you are brave enough, you can be a monopolist of small egg WoW in the 12 days of Winter Veil.

First, you got to know where to look. Hunt the Dragonhawks in Eversong Wood just out of Silvermoon. Look for Feral Dragonhawk Hatchlings and Crazed Dragonhawks. They are only level 6 monsters and bound to drop small eggs. Don’t forget to clear some space in your bag because this will be an egg fiesta! The dragonhawks are usually found in packs and groups, they respawn relatively fast, and has the drop rate of small eggs at 100%! And sometimes, they even drop 3 small eggs at once! Your bag will be full of small eggs before you know it.

Now that you have got the things to sell, go sell it in the Auction House. Set the price in the average range, not too cheap and not too expensive. Sell them in a pack of five and one. The lazy players will of course buy the pack of five because that will fulfill their need instantly. While the lazy-freebies hybrid type of player will buy singles because they already got some in their inventory and cannot stand the boringness of farming. Voila! You will net a good amount of money, nice and neat! If you have lots of small eggs or the time for the end if Winter Veil is drawing close, you should set a wholesale price instead of average price.

So that was it. But if everyone is selling small egg WoW based on this guide, who will buy?

SWTOR Builds: Deceiver Sith Assassin

One of the most versatile classes that has the best SWTOR builds is the Sith Assassin, Sith Inquisitor’s advancement class. Assassin can be played as a tank, a stealth damage dealer, or unique SWTOR builds that combine melee and ranged attack. This article will tell you about the SWTOR builds of Deceiver Sith Assassin.

Deceiver Sith Assassin has the strongest damage dealer build among other mirror SWTOR builds. Stealth Sith Assassin focuses on the Deception skill set. Stealth Sith Assassin mainly utilize the skill Surging Charge to stealthly kill the opponent. It is a class made to serve the sole purpose of close-range battles because it does not have any good 30 meters ranged attack and no skill to quickly close the gap between players. In exchange, Deceiver Sith Assassin has the control in a battle and the strongest damage dealer among other Assassin-like specialization.

SWTOR Builds

SWTOR Builds

There is 6 SWTOR builds that are best for this style of play. They are Chain Shock and Armor Piercing for PvE and Variant, PvP Chain Shock, PvP Armor-Piercing, and High Regeneration Backstab Spam build.

PvE Chain Shock (2/31/8)
This build uses the Shock and Thrash ability along with Induction, Maul, and Chain Shock. Hence, the name, this build will deplete the opponent’s health with chain of Shocks continued with Thrash and extra damage by using the skill Maul.

PvE Armor-Piercing (5/33/3)
Armor-piercing build is a build designed for stealth single-target kills. But, the build is unbelievably good at Area damage for a single-target playstyle. Using this build means you will be a backstabber a lot. With the Exploit Weakness plus Maul in the stealth mode or blackout, you will cause a catastrophic damage to your target of assassination.

PvP Armor-Piercing (5/33/3)
Armor-piercing for PvP is not bad. It is similar to the PvE SWTOR builds. For the first attack, you can use Maul, Voltaic Slash, or Spike for opener. Maul will hit your target really hard and you can start attacking your target with chain attack. With Spike, you can stun your enemy and plan your attack carefully. Voltaic Slash is the alternative of Maul, it inflicts a rather good damage with lower cost. Just remember to slow your target every time the skill is available because your area of slaughter is only 10 meters, beyond that and your victim is out of your reach for good. Also, you are possible to be a team player with this build. Use Mind Control when the enemies are frantically attacking your mates. This ability will weaken the victim’s damage by 30% for 6 seconds unless the victim attacks you. To prevent that, disappear into thin air by using the Force Cloak and you can continue Mauling you targets.

PvP Chain Shock (0/33/8)
Very similar to the PvE build. It is better for PvE, still outpowered by Armor-Piercing.

PvP Variant (11/30/0)
The system is similar with armor-piercing, but it sacrifices bursts in trade for speed.

PvP High Regeneration Backstab Spam (18/23/0)
This build works just like the name. Spam Backstabs with this build to humiliate your enemy and yourself. You will get extremely powerful damage output. But, your force points will regenerate far slower than other SWTOR builds, making Backstab Spam a short-time monster.

That was the SWTOR builds for Deceiver Sith Assassin. But, you can experiment with your own SWTOR builds if you want to!

Merry Winter Veil 2011!

This year’s WoW Christmas holiday event is called Winter Veil 2011. Winter Veil itself is an annual event in World of Warcraft in order to celebrate Christmas and New Year. Winter Veil 2011 will provide new silly quests, challenging and fun achievements, exclusive gifts, non-combat pets, and unique costumes. Even though it is an exclusive annual event, each year, the contents and features in a Winter Veil event are not always different and exclusive. Winter Veil 2011 started on Thursday, the 15th of December and will end on Monday, the second of January 2012.

World of Warcraft - Winter Veil 2011

World of Warcraft - Winter Veil 2011

Winter Veil 2011 is one of the holiday events of World of Warcraft that nets us the most benefits. Not only that it is fun and only appear once a year, it involves things that are possible to sell in the Auction House, like the Ice Cold Milk and Small Eggs, thus making it profitable. And the quests are not only for high-leveled player, every player over level 6 is possible to complete the quests to get items. This event changes the atmosphere of World of Warcraft.

Winter Veil 2011 holds one of the requirements to get the Violet Proto-Drake and free 310% flying skill, which is the Merrymaker title. Like always, to get the Merrymaker title, you have to complete all achievements required. The quests required to complete for the Merrymaker title in Winter Veil 2011 are not much different from last year’s:

On Metzen!
Last year, this poor reindeer named Metzen was abused by naughty little gnomes. And in Winter Veil 2011, the reindeer is back again with mad gnomes still whacking him. Heroic rescue is essential! You know what, the Reindeer name is based on Chris Metzen, the artist, voice actor, and game designer of World of Warcraft.

With a Little Helper from My Friends
This one is sort of fun. You have to kill 50 players of the opposing faction while in the form of a Winter Veil gnome. First, you gotta put the costume first from the one of the Winter Wondervolt Machines. This Winter Wondervolt Machines are located in big cities such as Orgrimmar, Undercity, Ironforge, Booty Bay, Dalaran, et cetera. Take note that the gnome costume won’t last forever. You will lose your disguise in an hour or upon death. If you died in a battle, just get another costume again and continue rock-’n-rolling in the Battlegrounds as long as Winter Veil 2011 is still happening.

Tis the Season
To complete this, you have to wear 3 pieces of winter clothing and chomp Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake. But, it is not as easy as it sounds. While the Winter Clothes and pair of Winter Boots are not hard to get, the hats are all drops from high-level 5-men dungeon boss monsters. When you have the clothes, boots, and hat, now what you need is just Graccu’s juicy Mince Meat Fruitcake. You’ll get it in the Smokywood Pastures Extra-Special Gift that will be automatically delivered to you a few hours after saving the poor reindeer, Metzen. Now, you are Mr. Grandfather-Winter-wannabe chomping some disgusting fruitcake. Perfect.

Snowball time! You just need to throw a snowball either to Muradin Bronzebeard in Ironforge for Alliance or Baine Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff for Horde. Where to get snowballs? You can buy it at Winter Veil NPCs just for 10 copper. Freebies lovers, don’t you worry! You can get your own snowball with no extra charge in Alterac Mountains, Winterspring, and Dun Morogh.

Simply Abominable
This achievement requires you to slay The Abominable Greench in Alterac Mountains and loot the Stolen Treats. Once you’ve got one, get back to the Winter Veil NPC that gave you the quest.

Let it Snow You have to search for other races to finish this achievement. The requirement is using a Handful of Snowflakes (get some from /kissing Winter Revelers) on certain races and class combinations which are: Human Warrior, Undead Rogue, Tauren Shaman, Orc Death Knight, Troll Hunter, Dwarf Paladin, Draenei Priest, Blood Elf Warlock, Night Elf Druid, and Gnome Mage. Good luck searching in Winter Veil 2011!

A Frosty Shake
Shake your frosty body with fellow frosty dancers in Dalaran! That’s the requirement. What you need is the disguise kit to become a snowman. A snowball is also essential. The kit is obtained from the quests in Simply Abominable achievement. Be sure to complete this one in the early time of Winter Veil 2011 because the number of dancing snowbuds will decrease gradually in time.

You will need to complete the Bomb Them Again! quest while riding on flying Reindeer. Sweet! First, you will need to complete several quests to unlock Bomb Them Again!, after that, you gotta change your ride to a reindeer using Preserved Holly or Fresh Holly. Hollies can be obtained by /kissing Winter Revelers in Inns (random present) or you can buy it from holly machines. Now, enjoy the scenery while you drop bombs on the demon cannons from high up the sky on a flying badass reindeer.

The Winter Veil Gourmet
Cook all the way! Cook the Winter Veil Gourmet that consists of Egg Nog, Gingerbread Cookie, and Hot Apple Cider. Buy the recipes at Winter Veil NPC on Ironforge or Orgrimmar. If you have leveled up your cooking skill, this won’t be a problem. But if you haven’t, you need to train and level up your skill first because 325 cooking skill is needed to cook the cider. The ingredients can be easily bought from the Auction House if you are too lazy to look, and of course in a price. If you don’t have the money but you do have the time, buy 1 Ice Cold Milk at the Inns, Sparkling Apple Cider, 3 Holiday Spices, and 2 Holiday Spirits at Winter Veil NPCs. The last ingredients, 2 small eggs can be looted from Moonkins for Allience and Eversong Dragonhawks for Horde. Happy cooking!

Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho’s
Meet all the brothers! Don’t forget to use Mistletoe, get one from /kissing Winter Revelers. The Alliance’s brothers are: Karman in Theramore, Anton in Desolace, Kristof in Crusader’s Square, Wilhelm in Goldshire, and Nimetz in Stranglethorn Vale. There are only 3 bros for Horde: Durkot Wolfbrother in Warsong Hold, Malach in Undercity’s War Quarter, and Keltan in Orgrimm’s Hammer that patrols the northeastern part Icecrown.

He Knows if You’ve Been Naughty
This is the last achievement required to get the Merrymaker title in Winter Veil 2011. Very simple, just open one of the presents under the tree in Ironforge or Orgrimmar. The presents will start spawning on the Christmas day through holiday’s end.

That was the quick overview for each achievement required for Merrymaker title in Winter Veil 2011. Don’t miss it guys!

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Romance with SWTOR Companions

SWTOR companions are available as a system that will help you in various conditions in the harsh world of MMORPG. They serve like minions that will do whatever you order them to do. SWTOR companions are the key in the crew skills system’s mechanic. You will be able to command them to do crafting, complete a mission, gather stockpiles and materials, and also help you in combat (only one companion is allowed to be taken out).

SWTOR companions aren’t give-and-take gifts from the developer. You will get a companion early in the game with no extra charge. But, to get other companions, you will have to put a good amount of efforts to look for them in the whole world since they are well-scattered. Like the rest of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series, there are moral choices, alignment, and affection. You can influence an evil companion into a lovely happy hippie or pervert your good, righteous SWTOR companions into a scary poker-faced villain that is capable of scaring children to death with pedo-smiles. So, your status and choices that you made will decide who will be your friendly SWTOR companions and who will be your greatest band of silly, hating SWTOR companions. You can also be friends with them. You can get one of them at a time to be your lover or simply your digital fantasy shagging partner (no gay relationship for now). It depends on what you do to them and how you treat them. You can give presents and talk about what they like to get positive affection points. For your info, you can see what the SWTOR companions like and dislike by going to the codex menu in the quest log and choose “Person of Note”. Further relationship with the SWTOR companions will get you unique rewards that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Other than that, you can also open new conversations and dialogs that can reveal the SWTOR companions dark secrets and past. Every companion has their storyline and secret quest if you can manage to make them tell you. Just what to expect from BioWare.

SWTOR Companions

SWTOR Companions

There are total of 42 companions, half for the Empire and the other half for the Republic. Each job gets 5 companions with various default alignment and one default droid companion. Every SWTOR companion has their unique skill and crew skills bonus. They also has their own class and equipment. For example, one of the Sith Warrior companion, Broonmark, is a melee tank character that will give you +2 Bioanalysis critical and +10 Scavenging efficiency.

Bored looking at your companion in a form of blue-colored alien chick called Vette? You can recolor your favorite blue-colored alien chick into a yellow-colored alien chick with a tattoo. But, extreme body modification is impossible. BioWare has prevented it so that you can’t ruin the gorgeous Jaesa Willsaam into a bad, ill-smelled, obese girl with a goatee. You are limited to only modify the appearance and customize the battle tactic of a companion, for a price. It will cost you 12,500 credits for a modification tool at the Smugglers Corso Rigg’s!

Feeling like you need some company? Be sure to play around with your SWTOR companions!