Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

MyTvOptions gives More TV Channel

In a family; having a gathering time regularly is a must. In such gathering time; all family members enable to share all of they feel and they got from their daily activities. It is also the right time to find good solving for kinds of problems faced by each family member especially for the children. It can become a good way to make good development for the children; both physical and psychological.

While having gathering time at home; you certainly have some activities that can be enjoyed together. Watching TV is the most common activity done together in a family and gets much pleasure from it. By installing Direct TV at home; you can choose all qualified TV channels that broadcast qualified programs to be watched together with your family. You can choose the right packages of Satellite Directv that consist of family channels so that you can make sure that the programs will give good education and information for your family and your children. is the site where you can order DirectTV and choose the best channels package suits your needs for qualified watching for your family such as channels of movie, sports, children channel, etc. Visit the site and choose the best channel options for your family.

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Download Dota 6.61b AI Map

A new Dota AI map has been released and it's version 6.61b AI. This cool map created by KillerBee and the full name of this AI map is Dota-Allstars v6.61b AI+ 1.53 Pre Alpha 3 Map. I heard on this map there are new mode (-ne & -ng) and some strange items are removed on this map :) If you bored to play official Dota 6.61 map, you can try this one :D

To download Dota 6.61b AI you can click the link below

There are some bugs on this map, if you found it please tell me here and I will suggest the map creator to fix it on the next update. Thanks!

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Download New Perfect Hack for July - Audition Dance

I've got a new perfect hack Audition Dance for July !!! This is the other kind of last Perfect hack for Audition Dance. The name of this cheat is AldozzModzv9.2 and I guess you have to download this one as your cheat collection :D This is the basic information for this cheat :
  1. Choose song : Press F11 or F12
  2. Run cheat : Press F10
  3. Close cheat : Press F9

If you want to download AldozzModzv9.2 you can click the link below :

Download New Perfect Hack July 2009

Please, don't show off when you're using it. Use at your own risk buddy :)

*Thanks to Aldozz

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Download Perfect Hack for July - Audition Dance

Good news for you who played Audition Dance! Because Perfect Hack for July 2009 has been released for all dancers and I've got this news from DM - Perfect Hack Juli (Thanks buddy!). By using Perfect Hack, we will be get perfect point for each song :D It's very fun to use guys, be sure you don't miss it. In here, you can download and the tutorial for free. But, before you read the tutors let's download it first :

Have you download Perfect Hack for July above ? If so, now you must read the tutors below about "How to use Perfect Hack" :
  1. Copy/backup fmod to the outside of data, rec data, hshield, etc.
  2. Extract Perfect Hack July.rar
  3. Click twice to the perfect audition icon (perfect audition.exe)
  4. Copy/backup HSHIELD from Perfect Hack July to the Hshield folder in your Audition Dance

This audition cheat can be used until 10 songs because it has new Hshield! So, you can enjoy to use Perfect Hack for July 2009 for longer time :D

Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

Download Dota 6.61 Map

Dota 6.61 Map
Official Dota Allstars 6.61 map has been released to the gamers! You can download Dota 6.61 for Free in here and this map is an update of Dota 6.61 Beta 3 map. Dota 6.61 has some changelogs and it's still has much changelogs as Dota 6.60 changelogs :D One of the changelogs is "Centaur: Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12 seconds)" What??? 12 seconds??? Yeah, that's true :D

If you want to update your Dota map to Dota v6.61, you can click the link below to download :

Here's the full changelogs of Dota 6.61 that I taken from GetDota :
6.61 Changelog:

## Heroes & Items ##

* Batrider: Lowered Strength gain from 2.5 to 2.0
* Bloodskeer: Bloodbath no longer regenerates from images
* Bone Fletcher: Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
* Bone Fletcher: Rebalanced Strafe from 20/40/60/80 IAS with 30 seconds cooldown to 50/60/70/80 IAS with 60/50/40/30 seconds cooldown
* Centaur: Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12 seconds)
* Faceless Void: Improved base Strength (17->23)
* Furion: Lowered Sprout cooldown from 11 seconds to 11/10/9/8 seconds and manacost from 115/140/165/205 to 100/120/140/160
* Magnataur: Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
* Medusa: Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35 seconds)
* Medusa: Minor improvements to Mystic Snake speed , cast range and cooldown
* Medusa: Improved Mystic Snake's damage from 60/100/140/180 to 80/120/160/200
* Meepo: Rescaled Geostrike from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20 damage per second
* Nerubian Weaver: Reworked Watchers [details below]
* Nerubian Weaver: Lowered Shukuchi cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
* Night Stalker: Improved Intelligence growth from 1.25 to 1.6
* Ogre Magi: Reduced Multicast from 30%2x/45%2x+22.5%3x/60%2x+30%3x+15%4x ->25%2x/40%2x+20%3x/50%2x+25%3x+12.5%4x
* Pandaren Brewmaster: Increased Drunken Brawler critical from 1.8x to 2.0x
* Razor: Lowered Intelligence gain from 2.2 to 1.8
* Rooftrellen: Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit (or other spells) will no longer take you out if you have it on you
* Silencer: Transferred Glaive of Wisdom's secondary effect of +1/-1 Intelligence from hero kills to Last Word. If an enemy hero dies under the Last Word effect, that hero will lose 1 intelligence and you will gain 1 intelligence.
* Silencer: Increased Last Word AoE from 700 to 900
* Rebalanced Curse of the Silent from 10/20/30/40 HP and 5/10/15/20 mana per second for 10 seconds to 50 HP and 25 mana for 2/4/6/8 seconds.
* Sniper: Increased Take Aim range from 55/110/165/220 to 65/130/195/260
* Spectre: Decreased Spectral Dagger cooldown from 25 to 16 seconds
* Tauren Chieftain: Lowered base damage by 10
* Tauren Chieftain: Lowered Strength gain from 2.7 to 2.3
* Tauren Chieftain: Decreased Natural Order percentages to 20/40/60/80%
* Vengeful Spirit: Improved base Agility (22->27)
* Viper: Nethertoxin now only works on enemy units
* Witch Doctor: Increased base Intelligence from 19 to 24 (base damage adjust to remain the same though)
* Aghanim's Scepter (Queen of Pain): Restored original cooldown improvement
* Aghanim's Scepter (Shadow Shaman): Undid part of the nerf on Mass Serpent Wards. It now gives +3 (up 1 from 6.60, down 1 from 6.59d)
* Buriza-Do Kyanon: Improved the critical value from 2.2x to 2.4x
* Helm of Dominator: Converted creeps now gain the Resistant Skin ability, making spells duration on them the same as heroes or Spirit Bear.
* Quelling Blade: Minor reduction to bonus damage (36->32)

## Bugs ##

* Fixed natural regeneration on rax
* Fixed an area where you could get stuck using TP scroll on the minimap.
* Fixed -ns mode
* Fixed a chance for duplicate heroes in -CD

* Batrider: Fixed Radiance from triggering Sticky Napalm
* Medusa: Fixed Splitshot triggering Essense Aura
* Razor: Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field that caused it to be slightly off sometimes
* Rooftrellen: Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs
* Rooftrellen: Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
* Tauren Chieftan: Fixed bug with Natural Order sometimes instantly killing Forged Spirit summoned units

* Aghanim's: Fixed minor incorrect sell value on some versions of the item
* Khadgar's Pipe of Insight: No longer places the buff on units that already have it
* Bottle: Usage no longer removes Curse of the Silent.
* Linken Sphere: Fixed to properly block Mana Void and Nasal Goo
* Poor Man's Shield: Fixed bug with -swap
* Quelling Blade: Fixed bug with -swap
* Quelling Blade: Fixed triggering Curse of the Silent
* Rune: Fixed Regeneration sometimes not being removed when you are full if you use bottle at the same time
* Rune: Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode

## Gameplay & Cosmetics ##

* Removed the int/agi/str distribution in -CD. It is now like RD in its hero distribution.
* Bottle: Now autorefills at fountain if it isn't fully used (2975)
* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Sound Effects: Removed the "Allied hero has fallen" (heavily requested for removal due to annoyances)

* Invoker: Added a new Icon for Sun Strike (5312)
* Juggernaut: You no longer lose control while using Omnislash. You can use items like Dagger while Omnislashing (4938)
* Slardar: Added a new icon for his Bash (3587)
* Tidehunter: Added a new Anchor Smash visual effect (4393)
* Gem of Truesight: Changed hotkey from T to I to help against some common misbuys
* Increased the transparency a little more for the Circle Of Powers that aren't yours.
* Fixed -SP moving your camera away from taverns
* Fixed various minor inconcistences between sentinel and scourge units/buildings
* Fixed some very minor inconsistencies with acquire ranges on some heroes
* Observer Board colors now alternate between white and grey to make it a little more readable

Old Watcher's:
Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 seconds
Movement Speed: 522
HP: 1
Bounty: 10-13
Vision: 1400/1400

Urna Swarm:
Summons scarabs from corpses. The Scarab can burrow and become invisible.
While it is unburrowed, it is visible to the enemy and has an Infestation
ability. Has collision when unburrowed.
Magic Immune.

Cooldown: 14/11/8/5
Movement Speed: 450
HP: 200
Armor: 6
Bounty: 26-38
Burrowed Vision: 400/400
Normal Vision: 1400/1400

Infestation: Can suicide to Silence enemy units 275 aoe around it for 3 seconds and deal 20 damage per second (non-stacking).

That's all for Dota 6.61 if you have any experience about official Dota Allstars 6.61 map you can share it in here :)

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Download Auto Party for AyoDance

Auto Party is a cheat for Beat Up mode in AyoDance and it has been published for Free! You needn't to pay anything because auto party is free to download. This Beat Up cheat will help you to get perfect points and grade in Beat Up mode. It causes auto-space in AyoDance, so it can help you to get perfect points better than before :)

If you're interested to download Auto Party for Free, you can click the link below :

I'm also share the tutorial about "How to use Auto Party" in here, but before you read the tutors you must read some basic information first. Here's some basic information about Auto Party - AyoDance cheat :
  • Choose song : Press F11 or F12
  • Run cheat : Press F10
  • Close cheat : Press F9

After you read some basic information about Auto Party - AyoDance cheat, now I share the tutorial about "How to use Auto Party" for you. Read the simple tutors below :

  1. Open your AyoDance folder
  2. Find the file named fmod.dll
  3. Right-click to that file and then choose rename. You must rename it to fmod_.dll
  4. Find file named fmod.dll in the Auto-Party folder
  5. Copy that file into your AyoDance folder
  6. Run Auto Part.exe and Done! :D

Now, you can cheating Beat Up mode in AyoDance by using Auto Party. If you have any questions about this cheat, don't be hestitate to drop your comments below ^.^

*Thanks to Jimmy Steven

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Download Pangya USA Trainer 3 for Free

Pangya USA trainer 3 (not private version) has been released for Free and you can download it from Just for Gamer, you're also can get the tutorial to use this Pangya trainer. Why you should use this trainer? Because it has a lot of features especially on this update. So, what is the special features or function of this Pangya trainer?

Pangya USA Trainer 3

Okay, for the full lists of special function of this Pangya trainer you can look below :

Pangya USA Trainer 3 - Public Version Cheat Functions Wind 0m -> Allow you use wind 0m at all holes Ativar Vento -> Back wind to normally XD Recovery x2 -> Rain at all holes (x2 for your pangs) Aztec hack -> Allow you use free rainbow aztec Level Hack (1) -> Turn a Rookie E Level Hack (65) -> Turn Legendary (MAX Level on S3) (You can use this to no lose control with much power) Skip Shot -> Skip the shot Special Shot -> Do some effects on your shots Instant Shot -> 10x better than skip shot you will not see anything on your shot (you can complete 18 holes in 8~10 minutes with it) Time booster -> Get Free Time Boosters Note that : Time booster and instant shot are avaiable only on Private Version

Are you interested to download this Cool Trainer? If so, you can click the link below :

Download Pangya USA Trainer 3

If you want to know the tutorial of "How to use Pangya USA Trainer 3", here it is :

  1. Open your Pangya USA Trainer 3
  2. Login to Pangya
  3. Select hacks what you want
  4. and Happy cheating! ^.^

What do you think about this trainer? Is it rock? If you want to request any cheats or share any information about cheats, don't be hestitate to cantact me on I hope Pangya USA Trainer 3 is helpful for you.

*Thanks to Diovanne, Cheat Game Online and GamerzPlanet

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Kill Your Enemy Just in 1 Hit - Gunbound

I have a good news for Gunbound gamers (Gunbounder) !!! Because I've found a cool cheat that can help you to kill your enemies just in 1 hit !!! This cheat name is 1 Hit KO Gunbound Cheat. So, let's download it now by click the link below :

Download 1 Hit KO Gunbound

Password: kucing666

Before you use this cheat, you should to use ICE and be a master (room owner). You can use Pro Shoot to make it easier.

After you downloaded 1 Hit KO Gunbound cheat, read the tutors below :

  1. Open Start > Control Panel
  2. Folder Option
  3. View Tab
  4. Uncheck "hide extension for known file types". But if your "hide extension for known file types" didn't checked, leave this step
  5. Open IXFS.exe
  6. Click IXFS on the top-left
  7. Open XFS archive
  8. Find your Gunbound graphics.xfs (example D:\Gunbound)
  9. Choose graphics.xfs then click open
  10. Drag characterdata.dat that I given to the IXFS
  11. Finalize Archive
  12. If there a question, choose "YES"

Now you can kill all of your enemies just in 1 Hit by using 1 Hit KO Gunbound Cheat! Good luck guys!

*Credit to ToMz

**Source Nederlanderz

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Totorial Hacking Ghost Online

I've shared Ghost Online Trainer v3.5 before and now I want to share tutorial hacking Ghost Online. The tutorial will show you how to get Infinitie Shuriken, Unlimited MP and Skill Run. That's cool huh? :D
Before you read the tutors, you should to have Cheat Engine 5.5 first! So, you must download Cheat Engine 5.5 before pratice the tutors
Tutorial to get Infinitie Shuriken :
  1. Open Cheat Engine (CE) 5.5
  2. Scan the amount of your shuriken
  3. Try to throw 1 shuriken and look the moving address
  4. Move it to the address list then change the value to 1000 freze
  5. Look and try to use one of your Gauntlet's skill in Ghost Online

Tutorial to get Unlimited MP, and Skill Run :

  1. Open Cheat Engine 5.5
  2. Log in to Ghost Online
  3. Scan the amount of your MP
  4. Use skill then scan the amount of your address
  5. If you get 1 address, insert it to the address list
  6. Right-click to the address and choose what write for this address
  7. Then, a box as on the picture above will be shown up. Back to the game (Ghost Online) the use skill. Ex: chi
  8. The Data will be shown up
  9. On the first data choose show dissasamber
  10. A box as on the picture above will be shown up again, then you must move up until find jne address
  11. Congratulation! Now you can cheating Unlimited MP & Skill

I hope this tutorial hacking Ghost Online can help you :D Good luck guys!

*Source SMPN 1 Lumajang Blog

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Download Dota 6.61 Beta 3

After Dota 6.60 released, now it's the time to release Dota 6.61 Beta 3. There are no big changes in Dota 6.61 Beta 3 as Dota 6.60 version. I think, in the next update (Dota 6.61) will be more concentrate to balancing the map especially to fix some bug in Dota 6.60 before. Btw, in Dota map 6.61 Beta 3 version has some changelogs.

To download Dota 6.61 Beta 3, you can click the link below :

Here the changelogs of Dota 6.61 Beta 3 :

* Fixed natural regeneration on rax
* Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
* Fixed incorrect sell value on some aghanim scepters
* Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode
* Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12)
* Watchers now have collision. They also have 400 less vision range and give +40 more bounty.
- Various misc code fps stuff
- Undid Sil armor change
- Fixed Reverse Polarity, it properly places them infront of you now
* Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field
* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Improved Faceless Void's base strength (17->23)
* Restored original cooldown improvement on Scepter for QoP
* Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
* Increased projectile speed on Mystic Snake
* Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35)
* Sven's Storm bolt now uses the normal unit targeting scheme. No gameplay changes, just the interface visuals.
* Fixed -ns mode
* Fixed Napalm not properly stacking and doing higher constant values [needs playtesting since it may be too useless now]
* Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs [make sure u can't abuse it]
* Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit will no longer take you out if if you have it on you
* Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
* Lowered Magic Stick/Wand cooldown from 25 to 17
* Added a new icon for Slardar's Bash (3587)

That's all about Dota 6.61 Beta 3. Let's download dan play it!

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Dota 6.60 Bug - Jah'rakal & Admiral

There is some bug in Dota 6.60, and now I'm going to tell you about Dota 6.60 Bug. The bug is happened to Jah'rakal and Admiral. For Jah’rakal, the bug is we can have 2 Quelling Blade (actually, we only allowed carrying 1 Quelling Blade) and we also can farming easier :D And the bug for Admiral is we can get infinite Quelling Blades. Sounds cool huh? You can find more bug in Dota 6.60 from the internet. Search it by yourself guys ^.^

Here’s the Jah’rakal Bug tutorial :

1. Pick jah’rakal and learn Berseker Rage

2. Buy 1 Queling Blade and activate Berseker Rage

3. Buy 1 more Queling Blade and deactivate Berseker Rage

4. And now you have 2 Queling Blades…!!! (farming be easier now)

Ok, that’s all the bug for Jah’rakal

Now, here’s the Admiral Bug tutorial :

1. Pick Admiral and buy 2 Queling Blades

2. After buy 2 Queling Blades, you must buy a courier

3. Drop your courier and then click “Transfer Items” as many as you want

4. Done! Now, you can make tons of Queling Blades ^.^
But, it’s useless because Queling Blades have no sell price :(

This bug in Dota 6.60 is useless actually, but it can make our game be fun :D

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

What Do You Think About Dota 6.60?

Did you play Dota 6.60? What do you think about Dota 6.60? Did it too stranger for you? A lot of gamers feel strange when they did played it because there are too many changes on it. Btw, have you tried Dota 6.60 (hacked version) before? I recommend to you to try this one, but Remember! Don't use those map on Bnet.

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Damn! Dota 6.60 Hacked!

Dota 6.60 map has been hacked! Dota 6.60 map hacked version has been released to public. You can use cheat in there! You can use cheat as play in Single Player mode, the cheat you can use in there as -gold #, -int #, -str #, -agi #, etc. But I don't recommend to use Dota 6.60 (hacked version) in Battlenet because your ID and IP address can be Banned! So, Use at Your Own Risk!

To download Dota 6.60 map hacked version, you can click the link below :

Download Dota 6.60 (Hacked version)

And here's the screenshot when I tried to play this map :

Dota 6.60 map (hacked version)

The list of cheats (commands) that you can use in this map :

-1337(space)(space) (activates cheats)

-gold #
-lumber #
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #
-xp #
-hp #
-mp #
-ms #
-debuff (Removes buff from selected unit)
-lock (locks the trade system)
-unlock (Unlocks it)
-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
-additem # (max is about 90)
-mana (Mana stays at 100%)
-invis (makes unit invisible)
-vis (visible)
-pathoff (walkthrough walls)
-pathon (normal)
-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-nocd (no cooldown)
-cdon (cooldown on)
-bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever s selected)
-clearkeys (Clears bindings)
-showkeys (Shows bindings)
-mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)
-size #
-food #
-copy #
-fast (Hit esc when training units)
-bfast (Hit esc on building structure)
-ufast (Research is instant)(To disable one of these commands add -no to it like -noufast)
-share ##
-unshare ##
-ally ##
-unally ##
-soff (share off)
-spawn #### (List)
-ground ####
-add ####
-remove #### (removes the ability)
-g ## #### (gold)
-l ## #### (lumber)
-f ## #### (food)
-spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
-sn ## (setname)
-sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-dead (Sets units animation to dead)
-birth (Sets building to being built)
-attack (Sets unit to attack)
-stand (Sets unit to stand)
-hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
-nohear (back to normal)
-kick ##
-tele (sets patrol to teleport)
-note (sets it back to normal)
-reg (Right-click two spots and a region will be made)
-time ## (Sets time to that hour)
-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
-stop (Disable unit commands)
-resume (Enables them)
-area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
-autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
-disable (Disable -reg)
-list# (1-8 )
-cheaton ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
-cheatoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
-nounit (Disables -unit)
-act (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
-destroy (Removes selected units)
-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)
-addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)
-colors (Displays player numbers by color)
-say###### (# = hex code only 0-9 and A-F will work)(After the hex just put the text you want displayed)

*Source Dota 6.60 (hacked)

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Undetected Cheat

Let's download counter strike 1.6 undetected cheat in here for FREE! The name of cheat that I want to share here is MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 It has cool features. MP-HACKS UNHEIL made by seren1ty. Here the features of MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 :

  • Adjustable Aimbot
  • Wallhack
  • Different Esp´s
  • Nospread
  • Norecoil
  • Silent aiming
  • Smooth
  • Speedhack
  • Movebot

And here the usage of MPH UNHEIL 06 :

  1. configure the settings in standard.ini file
  2. start any hl1 mod
  3. execute the executable
  4. connect to a server
  5. (you can connect to a server first)

To download MPH UNHEIL 06 you can download from Cheat Directory.

NB : The author takes absolutely no rensponsibility for any kind of loss or damage done to your system or to your reputation. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY.

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Big Changes in Dota 6.60 !!!

Dota-Allstars Map 6.60

Dota 6.60 has been released and you can download official dota 6.60 map for Free in here! But, before I share to you the link to download Dota 6.60 I just wanna tell you if there are so many Big Changes in Dota 6.60

Yeah, there are a lot of changes (changelogs) inDota 6.60 and this map is still made by IceFrog although he has been left He also fullfil his promise to release the official Dota 6.60 map on early June.

Okay, if you want to know the Big Changes (changelogs) in official Dota 6.60 map you can download it here! And to download the official Dota 6.60 map, you can click the link below :

Download Dota 6.60

*Source PlayDota and Dota-Allstars Blog

Senin, 08 Juni 2009

How to Hack Gold in Gunbound ?

Hacking gold in Gunbound is easy! Game Pro - Hack Gold Gunbound can help you to hacking gold. Game Pro - Hack Gold Gunbound is a free tool that made by a Vietnamese. You can download it for Free in here! But, in this tool there was an edited Moonlight engine. I'm going to share the tutorial "How to hack gold in Gunbound ?" by using Game Pro - Hack Gold Gunbound. Please use DeepFreeze for your computer/laptop's safety.

Download Game Pro - Hack Gold Gunbound

After downloaded those tool, you must read the tutors below :

  • Find this file "Systemretriever.exe" in the file you've downloaded before, then run it!
  • Click Moonlight Engine, wait until it opened and then press CTRL+O
  • Find this file "gbviet by MrCoi.CT"
  • Open file in folder C:\Gunbound\GameGuard that has *.des extention and change the value to be: value = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
  • and Congratulations! Open Gunbound game and Gunbound succesfully Hacked by You!

Don't forget to read God Mode Gunbound too. Good luck guys :D

*Source Game Pusat

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

Download Perfect World Trainer

Perfect World (PW) trainer is an useful tool to help us to use cheat on Perfect World game. Perfect World trainer can be used to remove the wall. That's cool huh? :D If you press F10, you can zoom the view. And if you wanna setting zoom, you just need to use the mouse scroll. Download Perfect World trainer is absolutely Free! But, before you download it, read the useful information about it first.

Here's the hotkey for Perfect World (PW) trainer :

F10 : Zoom

F11 : Wallhack

F12 : Hide Wall

Numeric + : Fly enable

Numeric - : Fly disable

If you're interesting to download Perfect World trainer, you can download it from Cheat Directory | Find Your Cheat Here!

Perfect World trainer has been protected by a password. Here's the password : clozerz

*Source Blog Fan Site

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Be Patient Till Dota 6.60 Map Released

IceFrog has been said if he would be released official Dota 6.60 map to the public in early June. But, until now he hasn't release it yet. So, let's be patient till Dota 6.60 map released! :D

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Dota 6.60 Will Be Release in Early June!

I read from IceFrog's blog, he said if he will release the official Dota 6.60 map in early June! So, let's be patient till the map released :D He always said if there are new items (at least 5), new heroes, and a couple hero remakes. Here's the quote of article that written by IceFrog on his blog :
First, I want to thank everyone for their emails in the past week or so. Things have been kind of hectic lately. Even though I usually don't like to give a schedule, you guys have been very patient. My plan is to release 6.60 in early June and I am doing my best to make sure that there are no further delays. If a feature or change still needs more work, I'll try to save it for the next version instead so I can get this in your hands asap.

Here is a list of a few of the things to expect in 6.60. There will be many new items (at least 5) and improvements or remakes to current items. You can also expect lots of ability changes on old heroes, a couple hero remakes and a new hero or two. A new regeneration system for structures will be active only when they are attacked without creeps/corpses nearby (more detailed infomation on the mechanics for this in the changelog). Naturally there will be the usual balance, bug and visual fixes that come with every update. That is just a brief summary; there are a lot more interesting miscellaneous changes and features, but I'll save the rest for the changelog.

As always, feel free to let me know what things you do and don't like, feedback and suggestions are very important to me. Thanks again for the patience and I hope you guys enjoy the map.

Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

Download The Frozen Throne PVPGN Loader - Dota 1.22

Let's Download Reign Of Chaos and The Frozen Throne PVPGN Loader - Dota 1.22 to play Dota by online from your computer/laptop. You just need to download Dota 1.22 loader and extract its into your Warcraft 3 folder. And it will ask if you would like to replace the old w3l.exe and w3lh.dll ? Click Yes or Yes to All.

Then, make a new shortcut with "w3l.exe" to run the game. Remember to always use shortcut "w3l.exe" to play the game !!!

To download Dota 1.22 loader, click the link below :

Download Dota 1.22 loader

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

God Mode Gunbound


If you're playing Gunbound (GB), I think you must download God Mode Gunbound cheat in here! It's absolutely Free for you! God Mode Gunbound is a popular cheat in the Gunbound (GB) world. It will help you to play Gunbound. I also share the tutorial "How to use God Mode Gunbound" in here! To download God Mode Gunbound, you can click the link below :

Download God Mode Gunbound

For the tutorial "How to use God Mode Gunbound", you can read it below :

  1. Extract the file
  2. Open ixfs.exe
  3. Target your Gunbound's Graphics.xfs
  4. Drag characterdata.dat to the IXFS
  5. Finalize Archive, if there is a question click "Yes" to it!
  6. Finish...!


To activate God Mode Gunbound :

  1. Start
  2. Control Panel
  3. Tools
  4. Folder Option
  5. View
  6. Remove checklist from "hide extensions for known file types" option
  7. Open IXFS.exe
  8. and Happy Cheating ^.^

*Source Nederlanderz

**The picture is taken from Game Xeon

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Perfect World's Bug/Glitch

There's a new Bug or Glitch for Perfect World, this bug/glitch will be make your character fly. If you want to know How to do it? Read the tutorial below :

  1. Go to the corner of map
  2. When your character arrived on the corner, jump, but press the corner of the map. Then, our character will be stuck, but on the Fly situation!

What do you think? Is it Fun? :D Take it easy. If you remove the button that you used to placed the end of the wall (divider), your character will be fall by himself :) It is so easy! Isn't it?

*Source Cheat Zone

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Download NiceDancer 1.7 9D

NiceDancer has been updated to NiceDancer 1.7 9D and you must download it now if you want to cheating Audition Dance! Actually, NiceDance 1.7 9D is made in Vietnam. You can download NiceDancer 1.7 9D for Free here! And here some information about NiceDancer 1.7 9D :

[Audition Viet Nam]

Z : Auto Chero/Crazy
Cablock : Auto BBOY (Space Xoa Bo Nho BBOY Da Luu, Miss Cung PHai Bam)
Tab : Auto Nhay Doi
F3 : Auto Ready
F4 :Tat AUto Ready
F5 : Auto Ctrl Cho BeatTrust
F6 :Tat AUto Ctrl
F7 :Bat Auto Space (Dung + - chinh toa Do, Nhac Cang Nhanh Toa Do Cang Nho)
(Vidu : 597 Nhac 188,596 Nhac 196,605 Nhac 140)

F8 :Tat
F9 :Bat Xperfect
F10 :Tat Xperfect
F11 :Tat Nhanh Xperfect
F12 :Tat Tat Ca Auto
WInDows:Bat Canh Perfect Pro (Co The Dung Chung voi Auto Space de AUto Space F7 Canh Perfct Cuc Chuan)

---------AUTO BEATUP Chinh Thoi Gian Auto Key = 30

Alt+1 : Auto BeatUp Left
Alt+2 : Auto BeatUp 2 Ben
+ - : Chinh Toa Do BU . Mac DInh X=101

Co the Del BeatUp =cach Nhan Enter Vao Dau Tran
ESC : Xoa Noi Dung Chat

[Hotstep Viet Nam]

Shift : Auto Chero/Crazy
Tab : Auto Nhay Doi
F12 :Tat

Work 100% [Tested]

To download NiceDancer 1.7 9D you can click the link below :

*Source Diepa3d

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Romeo Hot Dancer for Idol Street

Romeo Hot Dancer for Idol Street

Beside use to cheating Audition Dance, Romeo Dancer 1.4 is also can be use as cheat for Idol Street. I'm going to share the tutorial "How to cheating Idol Street by using Romeo Dancer 1.4". But, before I share the tutors, you must download Romeo Dancer 1.4

After you downloaded Romeo Dancer 1.4 you must read the tutors below :

  1. Login with id 01-10 pw 111
  2. Look at the top picture, click the most top then click ok/dong y
  3. Insert id and pw then press login/dang nhap. It causes there is a notification, just click ok!
  4. Click the buttin under the green box. Click Bai dau su dung, but it will show a same notification as in the no. 3 just click ok on it!
  5. Press F11 to switch On and F12 to switch Off
  6. Happy Dance guys!

To download the tutors video (Indonesian version), you can click the link below :

Download tutors video

*Source Putra Banyu

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Download Dota Patcher | Auto Update Dota Map

If you want to automation update Dota map, you must download Dota Patcher. By using Dota Patcher you will get the newest version of Dota Map. Dota Patcher is an useful tool for a gamer like you! It will update your Dota Map to the newest version. Here's the full features list of Dota Patcher :

Dota Patcher

  • Automatically downloads new versions of DotA and displays the changelog!
  • Replaces the Warcraft III Icon on your desktop
  • Options to select additional programs (such as ListChecker) to run with Warcraft III
  • Run any combination of programs, (GGC, Banlist, LC, etc) in any order, automatically
  • Displays the latest news from!

Dota Patcher is cool! Right? To download Dota Patcher, you can click the link below :

Download Dota Patcher

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

What Happens with IceFrog ?

I've read an article from Dota-Allstars-blog and I was surprised when I look the title like this "IceFrog Leaves! WTF??!!" So, after read the article on there I went to Dota-Allstars thread's to see what happens with IceFrog and

On those thread's I can find information Why IceFrog decide to leaves For your information, Pendragon_ is founder and you can read about IceFrog in this blog. As I know from the thread in, IceFrog left Pendragon_ because Pendragon_ want to commercialize Dota and IceFrog didn't agree with it! He wanted it to remain a hobby.
And here the article's quote from IceFrog :

DotA Website News

As a result of some differences, I am no longer affiliated with the website. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone over there the best of luck in the future.

I still plan on continuing DotA development for a long time, a couple years at the very least. The next update, 6.60, is nearing the end of its design and testing phase. The translation phase will also be starting shortly. There is still a little bit more work to do on fixing some specific content, but it's finally approaching completion. I will post another update here in the near future.

As of today, I am starting a new community site for DotA. I think it is more valuable to the players though if I focus most of my time on developing and improving the game, so I'm here to reach out and ask for help on this. I believe that with some organization, the community has some very talented people that can help build a site to serve their interests and needs. Help can come in many different forms: programming, design, technical support, content contributions, etc. My goal is to have a format where everyone that wants to help can contribute in a productive way. If you are interested in being involved, please send me an email at

Now, let us see what will be happen next... Wish all the best guys ^.^

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Let's Download NBR v.38

NBR v.38

Naruto Battle Royal is a fun game! You must play it if you feel boring with ordinary Dota. You just need to choose which hero that you want and all heroes in Naruto Battle Royal is taken from manga and Naruto anime. So, let's the newest Naruto Battle Royal (NBR). The newest version of NBR is NBR v.38

When I try to play NBR

For download NBR v.38 you can click the link below :

Download NBR v.38

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

New Crazy Kart Speed Hack

I've written about Crazy Kart cheat before and now I want to give you information about the tutorial of a New Crazy Kart Speed Hack. I've found the New Crazy Kart Speed Hack from DilarangMasuk. Before give you the tutors, you must download cheat engine 5.4 or cheat engine 5.5

After you download one of the cheat engine, follow the tutors below :

  1. Open cheat engine 5.4 or cheat engine 5.5 and also CrazyKart
  2. In cheatengine open the Process List and find "CrazyKartClient.dat" then click it
  3. in cheatengine click settings below the cheatengine LOGO
  4. You can see the CONFIGURE HOTKEYS in General settings.Click it(CONFIGURE HOTKEYS)
  5. There you can see "Toggle the speed Hack"click it.
  6. In its Hotkey put there the "Arrowe Up" button.
  7. click ok and ok................................................ ...
  8. Then in the main CheatEngine kindly put a check mark on"Enable Speed Hack"
  9. Put "10000" for the speed and"1" for the time
  10. Then click "Speed Set"
    (notwe: do not close the cheatengine, let it be open all the time)
  11. Play now your CrazyKart, youll experience the hack whene you click "arrow up" any time "arrow up" is better to use because it is the one to be used use in accelerating your Kart.

That's easy huh? :D But, some of gamers got a notification as a cheater under their character's name :(

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

New Idol Street Cheat | May Edition

New Idol Street cheat (May Edition) has been released to all gamers. I've shared the other Idol Street cheat before, and now I want to share the new Idol Street cheat to you! You can download this New Idol Street cheat for Free !!! For download New Idol Street cheat (May Edition), you can click the link below :

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

New Winmode or Minimalize for Audition Dance

New Winmode or Minimalize for Audition Dance has been released. Some people also call itu Windower Ayodance. You can download new winmode for Free in here! The function of this Winmode or Minimalize is for help you to use Alt+Tab when you were playing Audition Dance, so you can play Audition Dance and browsing internet, chatting, open facebook account, or visit cheat directory website's.

For download, you can click the link below :

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Register RF Lebay

Register or Sign up RF Lebay is easy. Before you register or sign up RF Lebay, I want to give you little information about RF Lebay. RF Lebay is another private server RF Online as RF PoA or RF Just. RF Lebay is an Indonesia private server RF Online. If you play in RF Lebay you will get EXP 30x, Force & Skill rate 30x, PT's GM, Drop 10-15x & Mining 10x. That's amazing guys! And the another benefits if you play in RF Lebay is No Cheaters allowed in there!

The official site's of RF Lebay is and if you want to register RF Lebay, you can visit this link

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Are You Looking for Crazy Kart Cheat ?

There are a lot of people ask to me, "Did you find Crazy Kart Cheat ?" And I'm answer "Of course". On the Internet you can find everything, include online games cheat as Crazy Kart. You're also can looking for online games cheat on Cheat Directory. If you're still looking for Crazy Kart cheat, you can read my article about Crazy Kart Cheat - Crazy Kart Bot.

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

How to be an Audition Dance GM ?

If you want to be an Audition Dance Game Master (GM) now you can realize your dream! Yeah, you can be an Audition Dance GM! You just need to download and use GM Skin Hack. But, unfortunately I've lost the link to download GM Skin Hack :( If I found the link, I will share it in here! So, be patient guys ^.^

Rabu, 29 April 2009

How to Make Elite's Force from the Exist Force (Dark and Holy)

Here's the tips for "How to make Elite's force from the exist force (dark and holy)" in RF Online. You just need to follow the tutorial on the picture below and you can make Elite's force from your exist force (dark and holy).

Holy ForceDark Force

Senin, 27 April 2009

Crazy Kart Cheat

Are you looking for Crazy Kart cheat or Crazy Kart BOT ? I have the one. You can see the tutors of Crazy Kart cheat on the video below and follow the tutorial on your own character. For the Crazy Kart tutorial, you can watch the video below :

Kamis, 23 April 2009

Download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99

Download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99 for Bypass GG 1299. This is the lates version of Moonlight Engine for now! For download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99 you can click the link below :

Download Moonlight Engine 1236.4.0.99

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

RF Online Cheat's Tutors

Here's the tutors to cheating on Indonesian RF Online. But, before you read the tutors you must download the files below :

Kiki Engine 1.41

rf02032009 (Patch RF 2 Maret 2009)

Delphine Hack 1.0.1 by N3F0

After you finished download all files, read the tutors below :

  1. Extract all files that in rf02032009 into your RF Online folder
  2. Run your favourite cheat engine
  3. Run Delphine Hack 1.0.1 by N3F0
  4. Click to the apps on Delphine Hack, then choose RF.exe from your RF Online folder
  5. Log in to your account and you can use the cheat now! But, keep use method (+1). Do you know it ?

If you don't know what is "method (+1)", here's the explanation :

  1. In Kiki Engine there is watcher program, look what is rf_inline.bin address (example: 0000068a)
  2. Choose "main" then choose "select a process"
  3. Under the address column there is a button. You must choose "process list (long)" button (top-bottom)
  4. There are a lot of address in there, looks what is rf_inline_bin address (example: 0000068a)
  5. You just need to add "1" in the behind it, so you choose 0000068b address
  6. Done! You can scan to use cheat as usually

Good luck guys!

*Translated from Tutorial Cheat RF Online Terbaru

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Do You Know Ragnarok BOT ?

I just wanna ask to you, "Do you know Ragnarok BOT ?". If you know, please drop your comment below :) Thanks

Selasa, 14 April 2009

World of Warcraft - Druid or Priest ?

I just found a question on Yahoo!Answer about World of Warcraft, the question is not "How to register WoW ?". There was a boy and his brother who need advice on what class he should make. The options are druid or priest and what spec to choose on either of them ?

Here the real question and answer that I taken from Yahoo!Answer and I hope it useful :

Hello everyone, I would like to get some advice on what class I should make. Here are some things to consider:

I will be doing the Recruit-a-friend with my brother so that we can train together and get the bonus xp... In order to do a good job, and be able to run some instances with a few people (or by ourselves), we've decided he will be a warrior (tank) and I will be in charge of the healing.

What I can't decide on is whether it would be better for us if I made a druid or priest and what spec to choose on either of them. Also note that we will be doing PVE since I'm not much of a PVP person at all.

I would also appreciate it if you could recommend the professions I should choose. My brother has a pretty high tailoring lock that can make us good bags to start with, but since we are both pretty new to WoW we don't really know what prof. are good for certain classes later on.

Thank you so much I appreciate all the advice you can give me =)

And here the answer :

Druid 100%. Druids are far more versatile than priests. To level feral is probably the easiest and fastest spec, if you're leveling solo. However since it sounds like you plan to level with your Bro you may as well go Resto (the healing spec) so you can get used to the healing role right off the bat. You'll probably be ok putting some points into Balance (the magic dps spec) to help out with the damage as you level, but once you reach 80 you'll probably want to make sure you're mainly spec'd Resto if you want to heal. As far as end game healing, druids tend to be pretty sought after, generally more so than priests (at least on my server).

As far as professions go, herbalism and alchemy would probably be a good choice as you will be able to make potions that benefit both you and your bro. Skinning/leatherworking is also a decent profession, though you'll probably find that by the time you have the materials you need to make a certain armor piece you'll already have something better. Leatherworkers have some pretty nice patterns they can use only on their own stuff, but I don't think much of it is of particular use to healers.

IMO, unless you really want to have a crafting profession choosing 2 gathering professions is the best option. Go with skinning and either herbalism or mining (herbalism would probably be a little more beneficial to you). That way you'll have the mats and be able to commission other craftsmen to make what you need, and generally still have plenty of stuff left over to sell on the AH. You'll be filthy rich before you know it.

*Dont forget to see World of Warcraft Map and Buy Human Priestess Action Fifure WoW and

Minggu, 12 April 2009

When Dota 6.60 Release ?

I've been shared to you about Dota 6.60 Beta 21 and until now I still waiting for the official Dota 6.60 map. Do you have any news or info about date of release official Dota 6.60 map ? If you know, please share to us here :)


Pet Society Mystery Box Cheat

This is cheat for Pet Society Box in Facebook game. And this cheat is Free! Here's the tutors for Pet Society Mystery Box :

  1. Buy Blue Mystery Box or gold
  2. Open Mystery Box at home
  3. Then, it look's like the box which there is a picture of item that you get
  4. If you didn't like with the item, don't check (yes) it!
  5. Press F5 (refresh Pet society)
  6. Then, the item be mystery box again
  7. If you want to get the other mystery box in Gift to your another account or your friend account
  8. Log in to the account that you gift
  9. Open the mystery box
  10. Then, it will be show item that you get
  11. If you didn't like it, press F5 (refresh)
  12. Press F5 (refresh) until you get the item that you want :)

So, good luck guys! ^.^

*Source Game Online Zones

Jumat, 10 April 2009

Love Bug in Audition Dance Indonesia

This is a nice info :) Love Bug in Audition Dance Indonesia. So, how to love bug in Audition Dance ? here's the tutors :
  1. Play with your couple (love) from 12 PM until 2 AM
  2. On that time, once you play, usually you can get about 30 loves
Sound interesting huh? ^.^ Btw, you're also can try to use Audition Dance Perfect Cheat - April Edition or Windower AyoDance.

Download Windower AyoDance

Now, I want to share to you a windower AyoDance or some people call it AyoDance Windowed. You can download windower AyoDance for Free! No charge for it guys! For download windower AyoDance you can click the link below :

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Audition Dance Perfect Cheat - April Edition

Audition Dance Perfect cheat for April 2009 has been released and you can download this perfect cheat for Free! And you're also can get the tutors for Free! The function of this Audition Dance perfect cheat is to get Perfect for every game. Ok, before you read the tutors you must download the cheat first. For download click the link below :

After you download it, read the tutors below :
  1. Cut HSHIELD in AyoDance
  2. Copy HSHIELD and all cheat files except abal tutors ^.^
  3. Use the cheat
  4. And, Happy cheating ^.^
Good luck guys!

*Source Kuda Berlari

Crazy Video About Panda

This is a funny video about Thunderkeg Reijin, I'm sure you will be laughing after watch the funny video :D Let's check it out!

*Source Dota Allstars Blog

Senin, 06 April 2009

Download MLE 1236.4.0.21 and The Tutorial

MLE 1236.4.0.21 is a new engine (April 2009) for SEAL Online cheat. By using MLE 1236.4.0.21, you can use Cegel cheat for SEAL Online. And you're also can I download MLE 1236.4.0.21 for FREE! After you download, I will give you the tutorial for the General Settings for it below. But, before you read the tutorial you must download MLE 1236.4.0.21 first by click the link below :

For the tutorial, you can read it below (the tutorial is taken from Game Cheetah) :

[x] Show undo button
[x] Show advance options
[x] Update the list of found addresses and after scanning
[x] Center MoonLight Engine when bringing to front
[x] Hide some/all windows instead oftrying to bring MoonLight Engine to 1

[x] Show values as if they are signed
[ ] Show and work with biniaries as if they are decimals
[ ] Simple paste

[ ] Even autoattach when another process has already been selected

Update interval [500]ms Found address list update interval [1000]ms
Freeze interval [250]ms

Scan Settings:

[ ] Fast scan on by default
[ ] Enable Hyperscan when possible
[ ] Don't scan memory that is protected with the No Cache option
[ ] Keep low memory usage when doing an "Unknown Initial Value Scan" with Hyper Scan

Scan with the following memory types:

[x] MEM_PRIVATE:Memory that is private
[x] MEM_IMAGE:Memory that is mapped into the view of an image section
[ ] MEM_MAPPED: Memory that is mapped into the view of a section (Eg. File mapping, slow)

[x] Run scan in seperate thread
Thread priority [Higher]

File Associations:

[x].CT (Standard Cheat Table)

Code Finder:

[x] Use Debug Registers (aka Hardware Breakpoints)
[ ] Memory Access Exceptions

[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger
[ ] Handle beakpoints not caused by MLE

[x] Show disassembler
[x] Show debugger options
[x] Use hardware breakpoints (Max3)
[ ] Use int3 instructions for breakpoints (Unlimited)

[x] Replace incomplete opcodes with nops
[x] Ask for replce with nop

[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger


[x] Query memory region routines
[x] Read/Write Process Memory (Will cause slower scans)
[x] Open Process

[ ] Undo changes to MLE
[ ] Force memory to be writable in case the standard method is blocked

[x] Enable use of the Process Watcher
[x] Use kernalmode debugger options when possible
[ ] Use Global Debug routines

[ ] Stealth mode (Usermode)
[ ] Stealth Mode (Kernelmode)

Oh and, the value is not changed for 1hitkill and stuff, just apply those settings, and you're set.

Good luck! ^.^

Minggu, 05 April 2009

Auto-Hunt Cheat for Lineage 2

If you play Lineage II and looking for BOT Cheat or auto-hunt cheat for Lineage, I have the one :) The program for using auto-cheat in Lineage II is eL2Walker205. By using auto-hunt cheat you can BOT your character and let it automatic hunt :D You're also get Free tutorial for using auto-hunt cheat in here! But, before you read the tutorial you must download eL2Walker205 first! For download it, you can click the link below :

After you download it, read the tutorial below :
  1. Extract the file that you've downloaded before
  2. Then, find this file "L2Walker_2.05_CRACK.rar" then extrack it!
  3. Move the extract result to the this file ""
  4. Click twice to "" then find "L2Walker.exe" and click twice
  5. After L2Walker open, you must choose this file "L2.Exe" in PATH box
  6. Then click Run
  7. Insert your id name
  8. Press "home" to launch the cheat
  9. Click "no atk" then write the momon's name that you want to kill in Find row (the word size must same with the momon's name in the game)
  10. Then, you just need to click the momon's name that you searching for
  11. Then choose "atk"
  12. Back to the Lineage then press "end" for auto-hunt
  13. Have Fun and Good Luck guys! ^.^
Share this cheat to your friend if it usefull :D Share is Fun!

Kamis, 02 April 2009

Download Dota-Allstars April Fool's Map

2 days ago is 1st April that's mean April Fool's day has come :) And now, you're also can celebrate April fool's day by download April fool's map for Dota and playing this map. This map is the Dota-Allstars 7.01 Ultra April Fool's Map 2008. Here's the screenshot of Dota-Allstars 7.01 Ultra April Fool's Map :

Dota-Allstars April Fool's Map

Lord of Olympia (Zeus)

Some features on Dota-Allstars 7.01 Ultra April Fool's Map :
- New models for some heroes (Zeus, Lich)
- New Roshan model
- Terrain is kinda bumby
- One is able to pick 2 heroes instead of one
- New Sent and Scourge creep models

Let's download and enjoy this map :D It's fun guys ^.^ For download you can click the link below :

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Download Dota 6.60

Dota 6.60 Beta 21 has been released to all gamers, and you can download Dota map 6.60 Beta 21 for Free! I got this map from here! (thanks guys)

There are some changelogs on Dota 6.60 Beta 21, you can see the changelogs below :

Replace all the heroes tavern into top left of the map
Now there's 9 tavern:
Sentinel Strength Tavern, Sentinel Agility Tavern, Sentinel Intelligence Tavern
Neutrals Strength Tavern, Neutrals Agility Tavern, Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
Scourge Strength Tavern, Scourge Agility Tavern, Scourge Intelligence Tavern
Neutrals Hero can be picked by either Scourge or Sentinel
Add Tauren Chieftain to Sentinel Strength Tavern
Add Bat Rider to Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
Hero remade on Razor and Viper
All Razor skill is remade, except for his Chain Lightning (will update this later)
Viper 2nd skill was remade, replace Frenzy with Nethertoxin (passive, give additional damage depends on enemy's health)

2 New items
Magic Wand
Magic stick + 3 x Ironwood Branch + Recipe (150)
+3 all attribute and Energy Charge (up to 15, Magic Stick only 10)

Force Staff
Quarterstaff + Staff of Wizardry + Recipe (700)
Give +10 Int, +10 Damage, +10 Attack Speed and Force ability (Active)
Force can push enemy 500 units on the direction he is faced

Did you know if on Dota 6.60 offer new layout ? Here's the screenshot of new heroes tavern at top left of the map :

Batrider on the Scourge side

Tauren Chieftain on the Sentinel side

If you want to download Dota 6.60 Beta 21 map, you can click the link below :

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

How to Hacking Gold on Gunbound ?

If you have a question like this, "How to hacking Gold on Gunbound?" I will try to answer it, just for you! Okay, now I want to share a tutorial to hack Gold on Gunbound to you. And this tutorial is FREE ! Before I give the tutors to you, you must download Cheat Engine 5.5

Download Cheat Engine 5.5

After you download Cheat Engine 5.5 you must follow the tutors below :
  1. Extact the file
  2. Click "No". Then, press CTRL+O and find this file "gbviet" by MrCoi.CT
  3. Open C:\Gunbound\GameGuard that has *.des extension
  4. Change the value to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5. Open game Gunbound
  6. Congratulations!!! Now, you're success to hacking Gold on Gunbound :)
If you have any information about cheats, you can share to us by send email to

*Source Allin001

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Dota 6.59d Has Been Released!

Dota 6.59d has been released to the gamers! I'll share it to you. I've download Dota 6.59d map but I have'nt upload it and share to you. So, please be patient for this Dota 6.59d map :) I will share it as soon as possible :D

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Bugs in Dota 6.59c

There are some bugs in Dota 6.59c !!! I was surprising when I knew this bugs. Btw, did you know if Pudge can't use Kellen Dagger? But, in Dota 6.59c Pudge can use it :) Yup, Pudge can use Kellen Dagger. Actually, there are more Bug video of Dota 6.59c on YouTube such as :

Bone Fletcher can use Searing Arrow without cooldown
Bug of Armlet of Mordiggian

If you don't believe me you can see the video (Pudge can use Kellen Dagger) below :

*Source Dota Allstars Blog
**If you want to get the latest cheat for online game, you can find it in Cheat Directory