Do you want to know how to pass Angry Birds level 3-6? If you are looking for any guide to pass Angry Birds level 3-6 you can read this walkthrough!

And this is a video about How to Pass Ipod Touch/iPhone Angry Birds (Level 3-6) 3 Stars:
How to Pass Angry Birds Level 3-6

You will get a free yellow triangular birds, the first should be aimed high, so that it hit a wooden pillar. Let him take out a mini with speed, too. Then use the next to take the big guy, his goal in the bottom of the first tower and make it faster. It will hit the first tower hard and will make it fall hitting the next one, which also accounted for more. It will collapse, as the wooden pole is not in the way and kill a great guy.
And this is a video about How to Pass Ipod Touch/iPhone Angry Birds (Level 3-6) 3 Stars:
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