Rift AddOns are useful to help you play Rift better! By using Rift AddOns you can enhance your interaction with the Rift game such as WoW AddOn effect on the WoW game. You can find so many Rift AddOns on the internet, but I make only Top 5 Rift AddOns list that you must have, so you don't need to waste your time by trying the Rift AddOns 1 by 1. Here are the Top 5 Rift AddOns that you should to have:
1. SimpleMeter
Project Manager: Joraster

SimpleMeter is an easy-to-use DPS/HPS meter that shows damage and healing for both allies and enemies.
Installation Instructions
2. RiftCount DPS Meter
Project Manager: Snowdude366

Welcome to the RiftCount Addon page. This addon is currently a simple DPS Meter. More features will be added very soon and I am always on the hunt for new features to add to my list to implement.
Starting Tuesday with the new updates:
First things to come will be a adjustment to the size and position of the slider button to change the height, there will be an actual image now so that it is no longer a guess. Also to come will be more control over window size, I will add a /rcwidth and /rcheight so that you may have more control over the size of the window. A warning though, width will come easy, but height will be complicated, I am not sure on how well it is written currently for scaling the window size and repositioning the charts accordingly. They do scale but I have yet to test this so I am a little worried at the moment, changes to these will also affect the shape of the window and could break its current appropriate ratio and could make things look distorted. Also the first update will come with the option to change the transparency, /rcopac will allow you to change its percentage using values between 0 and 1, 0 being totally gone and 1 being solid color. I need to test this on the RiftUI theme background but I believe it will be able to add a transparency to that as well. The next update will include the ability to hover of any name in the charts to see more information about their performance including total damage and healing. I will probably also add a lock/unlock button to the frame to lock its position.
Once all these updates are completed I will begin work on adding the necessary framework to have individual true themes, first to come will be the much desired truly minimalistic theme, I anticipate putting nothing in it other then the post, lock/unlock, player damage, and raid damage for now.
If there is something you really wish to see in a upcoming update that is not in the planned updates described above please email me at riftdevs@gmail.com and suggest a feature to add, I want this addon to be a well rounded and full featured dps meter with all the bells and whistles desired.
One function I am not sure about adding yet as it would be relatively complicated to implement and I have seen very little requests for yet would be ability (skill/spell) information. Information such as highest hit and percent damage per skill would fit into this category. Another feature unrequested that I have considered would be peak dps, possibly splitting fights into user specified sections, either by spitting it into 4 or splitting it every 10 seconds etc, and giving the peak dps per section. These are examples of features that I am looking into adding, especially if I see users showing interest in them.
UPDATE INFO: Now allows for copying and pasting into chat log, simply click on the Post button at the bottom left, click near the text to select it all, then use Ctrl^C and Ctrl^V to copy and paste the values into your chat log. Support for changing sorting after combat will be added soon as well as history of dps charts and indivual history posting.
!IMPORTANT! To resize the list, click in the middle on the bottom of the window and drag up or down.
3. Runecraft Helper
Project Manager: RagebeastRT

An easier way to view Runecrafting enchants. When first installing, the addon should appear open. Once you click HIDE you can always reopen the window with the command /rch or click the minibutton.
Both the minibutton and the main window are draggable.
This addon is for anyone to use. It is not based on a runecrafters abilities and if you are a runecrafter, there is no api available for addons to show in this addon which recipes you know or are unknown.
New in 1.4 Added 2 more sort buttons. (oops, forgot dodge and valor) Fixed a mis-typed variable.
New in 1.3 Overhaul of code to allow for easier addition of languages. Added in Required Level and Source information. (Thanks for Xeretic's additions!) All sort output is categorized by different lvls (default 1-20) This was added also to minimize the window output since some stats and slots filled up much more then the window itself. 4 new buttons were added for the lvl sorting. Additional runes were added that werent included earlier that could be bought with marks or from vendors. A few minor database corrections. Fixed a bug with the minibutton not saving a saved variable. Some of the German data has not been fully translated. Will update with next addon update.
If anyone wants to add another language translation, the easiest thing to do is to take one of the itemsdata.lua files, rename it and translate the text inside. Also in the sorttabledata.lua file you can grab on of the strings and translate it as well and then email me the 2 corrections. I can then add a new button to the interface easily.
4. BuffBar - Modification of Zorba's buff bars
Project Manager: kombat03

DUE lack of respect from the player base, I am not updating this addon anymore.
This is a Buff bar modification for Rift.
The addon will make your buffs bigger while making other people's buffs smaller. It will also put debuffs at the bottom.
Features: Customization: Move the bar by dragging it with the left mouse button.
Usage: /bbloc This will change the location of the addon location where it is on the screen.
Usage: /bbtextsize This will change the sizes of the my buffs, other peoples buffs on me, and debuffs on me.
Usage: /bbwidth This will change the width of buffs that are displayed on screen, change this with the font sizes if you want to make this larger on your screen
Usage: /bbgrowth This will change the growth of buffs and debuffs either up or down
Usage: /bblock This will lock the addon so left clicking will not move the buff bar around
Usage: /bbfilterperm This will filter permanent buffs out of the buff bar
Usage: /bbfiltershort This will filter out short buffs out of the buff bar (less than 30 seconds)
Usage: /bbscroll This will filter out the scrolling bar from the screen and will disable the background color of the addon. Right clicking buffs will remove them.
Usage: /bbusewhitelist Enables usage of the whitelist
Usage: /bbuseblacklist Enables usage of the blacklist
Usage: /bbclearwhitelist Clears the whole white list
Usage: /bbclearblacklist Clears the whole black list
Usage: /bbaddwhitelist Adds a item to the white list
Usage: /bbaddblacklist Adds a item to the black list
This buffbar is a modified version of Zorba's buff bars. Heavily inspired by Elkano's Buff Bars.
5. nkRebuff
Project Manager: Naifu

What nkRebuff does is very simple: It tracks buffs you are missing. So in difference to a buff bar addon which shows you how long a buff is still active, this addon will tell you exactly when to renew an important buff. Due to the filtering mechanism you can tailer the list of watched buffs exactly to your needs.
Once the addon is enabled and configured it will show you a bar with icons of all important buffs you are missing. As long as a configured buff is active nothing will be shown. However as soon as there is a buff missing (or a buff is remaining for 5 or less seconds) the icon will apear. This will help you refresh the buff so it is constantly active.
If a buff is only remaining for 5 or less seconds it will be shown on the bar. On top of the icon you'll see a number indicating the remaining number of seconds left before the buff is gone. Of course the addon also is handy to not forget long term buffs.
That are the Top 5 Rift AddOns! The Top 5 Rift AddOns list above is taken from Curse.com so if you want to read more info or download the Rift AddOns you can visit Curse.com
Top 5 Rift AddOns
Project Manager: Joraster

SimpleMeter is an easy-to-use DPS/HPS meter that shows damage and healing for both allies and enemies.
- View and sort by DPS/HPS/Damage/Healing/etc for both allies and enemies
- Damage/healing breakdowns by ability for both allies and enemies
- 4 display modes (All, Self, Top 5, Totals)
- Export stats for both allies and enemies
- View past encounters
- Keep track of stats across all encounters
- Ally/Enemy names color-coded by calling
Installation Instructions
- Download the addon
- Open Rift
- From character select, click the "Addons" button at the bottom
- Click the "Open Addon Directory" button
- Wait for the directory to open up
- Put the SimpleMeter folder into that directory
- Return to Rift
- Click "Refresh"
- Play the game!
2. RiftCount DPS Meter
Project Manager: Snowdude366

Welcome to the RiftCount Addon page. This addon is currently a simple DPS Meter. More features will be added very soon and I am always on the hunt for new features to add to my list to implement.
Starting Tuesday with the new updates:
First things to come will be a adjustment to the size and position of the slider button to change the height, there will be an actual image now so that it is no longer a guess. Also to come will be more control over window size, I will add a /rcwidth and /rcheight so that you may have more control over the size of the window. A warning though, width will come easy, but height will be complicated, I am not sure on how well it is written currently for scaling the window size and repositioning the charts accordingly. They do scale but I have yet to test this so I am a little worried at the moment, changes to these will also affect the shape of the window and could break its current appropriate ratio and could make things look distorted. Also the first update will come with the option to change the transparency, /rcopac will allow you to change its percentage using values between 0 and 1, 0 being totally gone and 1 being solid color. I need to test this on the RiftUI theme background but I believe it will be able to add a transparency to that as well. The next update will include the ability to hover of any name in the charts to see more information about their performance including total damage and healing. I will probably also add a lock/unlock button to the frame to lock its position.
Once all these updates are completed I will begin work on adding the necessary framework to have individual true themes, first to come will be the much desired truly minimalistic theme, I anticipate putting nothing in it other then the post, lock/unlock, player damage, and raid damage for now.
If there is something you really wish to see in a upcoming update that is not in the planned updates described above please email me at riftdevs@gmail.com and suggest a feature to add, I want this addon to be a well rounded and full featured dps meter with all the bells and whistles desired.
One function I am not sure about adding yet as it would be relatively complicated to implement and I have seen very little requests for yet would be ability (skill/spell) information. Information such as highest hit and percent damage per skill would fit into this category. Another feature unrequested that I have considered would be peak dps, possibly splitting fights into user specified sections, either by spitting it into 4 or splitting it every 10 seconds etc, and giving the peak dps per section. These are examples of features that I am looking into adding, especially if I see users showing interest in them.
UPDATE INFO: Now allows for copying and pasting into chat log, simply click on the Post button at the bottom left, click near the text to select it all, then use Ctrl^C and Ctrl^V to copy and paste the values into your chat log. Support for changing sorting after combat will be added soon as well as history of dps charts and indivual history posting.
!IMPORTANT! To resize the list, click in the middle on the bottom of the window and drag up or down.
3. Runecraft Helper
Project Manager: RagebeastRT

An easier way to view Runecrafting enchants. When first installing, the addon should appear open. Once you click HIDE you can always reopen the window with the command /rch or click the minibutton.
Both the minibutton and the main window are draggable.
This addon is for anyone to use. It is not based on a runecrafters abilities and if you are a runecrafter, there is no api available for addons to show in this addon which recipes you know or are unknown.
New in 1.4 Added 2 more sort buttons. (oops, forgot dodge and valor) Fixed a mis-typed variable.
New in 1.3 Overhaul of code to allow for easier addition of languages. Added in Required Level and Source information. (Thanks for Xeretic's additions!) All sort output is categorized by different lvls (default 1-20) This was added also to minimize the window output since some stats and slots filled up much more then the window itself. 4 new buttons were added for the lvl sorting. Additional runes were added that werent included earlier that could be bought with marks or from vendors. A few minor database corrections. Fixed a bug with the minibutton not saving a saved variable. Some of the German data has not been fully translated. Will update with next addon update.
If anyone wants to add another language translation, the easiest thing to do is to take one of the itemsdata.lua files, rename it and translate the text inside. Also in the sorttabledata.lua file you can grab on of the strings and translate it as well and then email me the 2 corrections. I can then add a new button to the interface easily.
4. BuffBar - Modification of Zorba's buff bars
Project Manager: kombat03

DUE lack of respect from the player base, I am not updating this addon anymore.
This is a Buff bar modification for Rift.
The addon will make your buffs bigger while making other people's buffs smaller. It will also put debuffs at the bottom.
Features: Customization: Move the bar by dragging it with the left mouse button.
Usage: /bbloc
Usage: /bbtextsize
Usage: /bbwidth
Usage: /bbgrowth This will change the growth of buffs and debuffs either up or down
Usage: /bblock This will lock the addon so left clicking will not move the buff bar around
Usage: /bbfilterperm This will filter permanent buffs out of the buff bar
Usage: /bbfiltershort This will filter out short buffs out of the buff bar (less than 30 seconds)
Usage: /bbscroll This will filter out the scrolling bar from the screen and will disable the background color of the addon. Right clicking buffs will remove them.
Usage: /bbusewhitelist Enables usage of the whitelist
Usage: /bbuseblacklist Enables usage of the blacklist
Usage: /bbclearwhitelist Clears the whole white list
Usage: /bbclearblacklist Clears the whole black list
Usage: /bbaddwhitelist Adds a item to the white list
Usage: /bbaddblacklist Adds a item to the black list
This buffbar is a modified version of Zorba's buff bars. Heavily inspired by Elkano's Buff Bars.
5. nkRebuff
Project Manager: Naifu

What nkRebuff does is very simple: It tracks buffs you are missing. So in difference to a buff bar addon which shows you how long a buff is still active, this addon will tell you exactly when to renew an important buff. Due to the filtering mechanism you can tailer the list of watched buffs exactly to your needs.
Once the addon is enabled and configured it will show you a bar with icons of all important buffs you are missing. As long as a configured buff is active nothing will be shown. However as soon as there is a buff missing (or a buff is remaining for 5 or less seconds) the icon will apear. This will help you refresh the buff so it is constantly active.
If a buff is only remaining for 5 or less seconds it will be shown on the bar. On top of the icon you'll see a number indicating the remaining number of seconds left before the buff is gone. Of course the addon also is handy to not forget long term buffs.
That are the Top 5 Rift AddOns! The Top 5 Rift AddOns list above is taken from Curse.com so if you want to read more info or download the Rift AddOns you can visit Curse.com
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