Replace all the heroes tavern into top left of the mapNow there's 9 tavern:Sentinel Strength Tavern, Sentinel Agility Tavern, Sentinel Intelligence TavernNeutrals Strength Tavern, Neutrals Agility Tavern, Neutrals Intelligence TavernScourge Strength Tavern, Scourge Agility Tavern, Scourge Intelligence TavernNeutrals Hero can be picked by either Scourge or SentinelAdd Tauren Chieftain to Sentinel Strength TavernHero remade on Razor and ViperAll Razor skill is remade, except for his Chain Lightning (will update this later)Viper 2nd skill was remade, replace Frenzy with Nethertoxin (passive, give additional damage depends on enemy's health)2 New itemsMagic WandMagic stick + 3 x Ironwood Branch + Recipe (150)+3 all attribute and Energy Charge (up to 15, Magic Stick only 10)Force StaffQuarterstaff + Staff of Wizardry + Recipe (700)Give +10 Int, +10 Damage, +10 Attack Speed and Force ability (Active)Force can push enemy 500 units on the direction he is faced
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Download Dota 6.60
Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009
How to Hacking Gold on Gunbound ?
- Extact the file
- Click "No". Then, press CTRL+O and find this file "gbviet" by MrCoi.CT
- Open C:\Gunbound\GameGuard that has *.des extension
- Change the value to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- Open game Gunbound
- Congratulations!!! Now, you're success to hacking Gold on Gunbound :)
*Source Allin001
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
Dota 6.59d Has Been Released!
Selasa, 24 Maret 2009
Bugs in Dota 6.59c
Bone Fletcher can use Searing Arrow without cooldown
Bug of Armlet of Mordiggian
If you don't believe me you can see the video (Pudge can use Kellen Dagger) below :
*Source Dota Allstars Blog
**If you want to get the latest cheat for online game, you can find it in Cheat Directory
Minggu, 22 Maret 2009
Which is the Best ? RF PoA or JusT RF ?
Put your comment below, please!
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
Download Ayongin v6 PERFECT
Do You Want to See RF-POA Launchers ?
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Download Ghost Online Trainer v3.5
For download Ghost Online trainer v3.5 you can click the link below :
*Thanks to Untitled-69
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
Cheat Directory Website
Minggu, 15 Maret 2009
How to Install Dota Map to the Game ?
Maybe you have a simple question like this "How to install Dota Map to the Game ?" or "I've downloaded FOC map but I don't know where I should install it ?" Okay, if you have questions like that, here's the simple tips for you. I hope these tips useful for you to help install Dota map to the game :
- You must download the Dota map
- Then you copy the downloaded file into this directory:
ex: C:\Games\Warcraft3 TFT\maps\downloads
that's it :) It's so simple huh ? Yup, that's why I call this the simple tips to install Dota map :D
Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009
GetDota Error for a Few Minutes
Oh my God, Getdota has been error for a few minutes. There is a strange display when I opened GetDota. But now, it's be fine :) Here's the preview of GetDota when it going error :
Rabu, 11 Maret 2009
Rose Online Leveling Map
Okay, now see the map below :

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
Cheat to Hacking Exp Audition Dance
In this file there are 4 files. Here's the tutorial how to use it :
- Copy all files to your Audition Dance's folder
- Click icon "ADTV1.3RC2"
- Click hn, hcm, or dn and click patch
- Click "hack exp+35" box to add exp and click "hack 20 den" to add 20 Den every time you play
- After you click the box, you must click "patch hack
- For perfect cheat, click icon "PPHV2" and press f12 every time you play
- Dont's use cheat "ADTV1.3RC2" and PPHV2"
- I'm sorry if this cheat doesn't work ^.^
- The cheat has been moved by the author. But, you can search the cheat on Cheat Directory
*Source Dancer Five
Senin, 09 Maret 2009
Tutorial Cegel Cheats of SEAL Online

Before you read the tutors, you must download these 2 files below :
Here's the tutors of this cheat :
Super Area Attack
1. search skill name, ex: (Holy Cross) value= text (not 4 byte).
2. Look for and address that describe the skill, and add it
3. browse memory region and "add this addres" at the top left corner ( do not scrooll it up or down)
4. copy that address calculatur, use scientific mode and tick Hex.
6.Paste that address and use the calc
---lv 1 skill, use this ---> +198
---lv 5----------> +2A8
---lv 10---------> +3FC
7 once you have result, copy the value and paste it on the pervious addres (see point 4)
8. You will see the value is vary betwee 3 or 5 usually 3
9. change the value to 1000000
10. freeze it.
no cooldown+ super area attack= dangerous. Use it carefully :)
1. make a backup copy of the "map folder"
2. create a new folder
3. go to "map" folder @(Seal Online) folder.
4. look for and copy that.
5. paste it to the new folder
6. Make a new file using the "". starting from " to*.
note: do not make a copy of this map ;,,,,, 22. map,, Just leave it be
7. copy all the files & paste it to the "map folder"
*Credits to Game 4 Cheat
Minggu, 08 Maret 2009
Download Maphack of SEAL Online
Looking for Maphack of SEAL Online ? I've found one. For your information, you can download Maphack of SEAL Online for Free. By using Maphack of SEAL Online, you can hunt anywhere without walking anymore. You can go to the mountain, rock, or diving, so you can't be seen by other players.
The first step you must to do is download the file and backup your map folder. Then, you must change SPAK extension to *.rar or *.zip
So, you just need to copy-paste the folder to your map folder. You can see the map name by open file and edit with notepad.
For download Maphack of SEAL Online, you can click the link below :
Password :
*Source Yakobus Fans Site
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
Download Idol Street Cheat
Download Idol Street Cheat for Free ! This Idol Street cheat is easier than using cheat engine. Here's the features of Idol Street cheat :
- D1 Mode, right arrow. See "help" for more detail
- Arrow Mode, freeze the ammount of arrows that showed. See "help" for more detail
How to Use :
- Extract this file : to the any folder
- Run yihaaIdolStreet.exe
- Run Idol Street
- After you log in, active the feature which you want
For download Idol Street Cheat, you can click the link below :
*Source Club Kerenz
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
Leveling Guide for Rohan Online
Here I've found a good article that share some tips to play Rohan Online and leveling guide for Rohan Online. Read the article below :
Leveling Guide!
There are three main ways to level your character in rohan online and i will explain each of them.
This way of leveling is not recommended for grinding purposes unless you have not choice. Before you find a party to grind its really a good idea to get your quests out of the way first. You get some really good exp and good items/gears this way. If you can't find a party some quests are repeatable for exp and crons so this might be an alternative for you. In general solo grinding is slow however may run into a super fast spawn that you can continually kill quickly in a couple of hits. These spawns are best farmed for exp when they are your same level or a little bit lower. This is rare to find a spawn like this that is not crowded and if you are lucky it will be bare and you can kill all the mobs you want at a fast pace.
Party Grinding in Dungeon
This is prolly the second best way to level in rohan. This also depends and what class you are when grinding in a dungeon. If you are a healer, dark elf, archer type you may have a lot of trouble staying alive in the beginning dungeons. You may die more times then its worth and won't be very productive. However tank type characters will level very fast in dungeons and rarely die... Well unless the whole party dies and they get mobbed by countless monsters. So its very important to find a GOOD HEALER. Another great bonus about grinding in a dungeon is that you can obtain some pretty nice gears and some orbs/skill stones. You will also run across a boss here and there to get some extra exp boost and some great items.
High Level Mob Grind
In my opinion this is the best way to level your character. Generally you want a team of 3-4 people and you must have a HEALER. I recommend a Tank, Healer, 2 damage dealers. The idea is to go and find mobs 10-15 levels higher than your characters and start killing them. You would be surprised how fast you can kill them as the damage dealers kill them pretty fast. You can also have 3 damage dealers and 1 healer and take turns pulling mobs in and then rooting them. Early in the game you can easily get 2-3 levels an hour this way but as you gain a higher level you will start to slow down a bit obviously. Tip: if you die in a party with no healer just respawn back to town and leave party. Then you can register in party matching and you will be reinvited back to party and teleport there. Make sure you have plenty of summoning stones!
By mixturing in these 3 types of leveling you can level at a very fast pace and get some great gears along the way. These are the best ways that i have found to maximize the amount of time playing the game so i hope you enjoyed this guide and level super fast!
Credits go to
Hi its Corey, owner of Freetoplaymmorpgs, I hope to bring you all the guides for all your favorite free to play games and continue to grow this fun community! Feel free to post these articles anywhere you wish but plz keep the link acitve and give me credit.
Article Source:
Rabu, 04 Maret 2009
Download Maphack for Dota v1.22
Dota Maphack for Dota version 1.22 has been released. You can read the tutorial of "How to use Dota Maphack" below and you're also can download for Free Dota Maphack for Dota v1.22. Ok, before you read the tutorial of "How to use Dota Maphack", you must download Dota Maphack v1.22
Tutorial of "How to use Dota Maphack" :
1. Open Warcraft, and press Alt + tab
2. Open Dota Maphack v1.22 and there are 3 files that are : Readme.txt, Main.cpp, and SimpleWc3Hack.exe
3. Double Click at SimpleWc3Hack.exe
4. And then, the note will come out like this:
Clan L2H Presents BMap By Bendik
Searching WC3...
Getting debug privileges...
Opening Warcraft 3 Processs...
Processs Opened. .Patching. .
Done, Goodbye!
Press any key to continue..
You just need to click any key to continue now :) The Dota Maphack will be close automaticly
5. Login to your account -> play -> and Kill another players !!!
Btw, don't forget to download Dota 6.59c or Dota 6.59 AI
Selasa, 03 Maret 2009
Rohan & Crazy Kart - New Games from Lyto
This is a good info for all gamers like you because in this year (2009), Lyto has been released their 2 new games, that are Rohan Online and Crazy Kart. Here is the description of Rohan Online and Crazy Kart :
Rohan Online
Rohan Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). This game has very wide world to be explored and also have a variety of mission / quest to be completed with the various levels of the most simple to the most challenging one.
Friends and enemies will come and go, terrible fight will be happen. Many other unique features that make this game is not boring to play. Features that distinguish the game with other online games, that are :
- REVENGE: Players who have been slain in-game by another will have their killers automatically recorded on their "Hit List". Once resurrected, the slain can teleport to their killers for a chance at revenge.
- TOWNSHIP BATTLES: In-game groups - called 'guilds' - have the opportunity to rule each town within Rohan. Other guilds may wage civil war with the ruling guild, with the chance to gain control of their own. In addition to treasure & riches, the right to tax all commercial exchanges within the town for one week goes to the winner.
- BUY & SELL SAFELY: There are several ways in which players can buy and sell goods within the game, including a website specially designed for player-to-player transactions.
And this is an IMPORTANT ROHAN: BLOOD FEUD INFORMATION that I taken from here !
As we near the end of Open Beta on March 11, 2009, you will need to download a new game client in order to play Rohan: Blood Feud. The new client will be available for download beginning on March 8.
*Don’t worry, current characters from Open Beta will not be wiped.
For more information about Rohan, you can click here !
Crazy Kart
Crazy Kart is an online game that produced by Shanda Interactive China - the developer of Crazy Kart. From the information that I taken from here !
In Shanghai China, Shanda is the most successful Internet gaming company; it's operating 15,000 network servers in 65 cities of China. Last year, Shanda has earned $74 million in sales and is even expected to reach $100 million for this year. Shanda also has the biggest market capitalization as a Chinese Internet company - at $2.6 billion
Chen Tiangiao is co-founded of Shanda and he is a Chineese entrepreneur who is also branded as one of China's wealthiest men. His worth $1.6 billion, Chen has a sense for growing technology trends. Although he admits that he's not into gadgets and doesn't even consider himself as a techie, Chen knows how to tap into the business of online games: by providing players high quality games and excellent service. That's the point !
Here's the Game Features of Crazy Kart :
- Avatars
- Karts
- Race Tracks
- Race Modes
- Item Mall
For more information about Crazy Kart, you can click here !
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
Update Legend of Elven Level 60-65 - RF Online
- Level Max : 65
- Special Bangsa : Gold MAU, Black Siege Kit, Animus level 65
- Daerah baru untuk di jelajahi (Map baru)
- Monster-monster dan Pit Boss baru
- Skill-skill baru
- Dungeon Battle Baru (Dark Hall)
- Item-item baru
- Quest baru

To see video of MAU level 65, you can see the video below :
For full information you can click here !