Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Cheat to Hacking Exp Audition Dance

Do you have problems to leveling up your Audition Dance character ? If you do, I have a free cheat to hacking Exp and Den in Audition Dance. But Remember! Not all computers can use this cheat.

In this file there are 4 files. Here's the tutorial how to use it :
  1. Copy all files to your Audition Dance's folder
  2. Click icon "ADTV1.3RC2"
  3. Click hn, hcm, or dn and click patch
  4. Click "hack exp+35" box to add exp and click "hack 20 den" to add 20 Den every time you play
  5. After you click the box, you must click "patch hack
  6. For perfect cheat, click icon "PPHV2" and press f12 every time you play

  • Dont's use cheat "ADTV1.3RC2" and PPHV2"
  • I'm sorry if this cheat doesn't work ^.^
  • The cheat has been moved by the author. But, you can search the cheat on Cheat Directory

*Source Dancer Five

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