Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Bugs in Dota 6.59c

There are some bugs in Dota 6.59c !!! I was surprising when I knew this bugs. Btw, did you know if Pudge can't use Kellen Dagger? But, in Dota 6.59c Pudge can use it :) Yup, Pudge can use Kellen Dagger. Actually, there are more Bug video of Dota 6.59c on YouTube such as :

Bone Fletcher can use Searing Arrow without cooldown
Bug of Armlet of Mordiggian

If you don't believe me you can see the video (Pudge can use Kellen Dagger) below :

*Source Dota Allstars Blog
**If you want to get the latest cheat for online game, you can find it in Cheat Directory

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