Minggu, 13 November 2011

Skyrim Races and Abilities

There are 10 races in Skyrim and you must choose one of them. You can read the Skyrim races and abilities in here. Each race has its own unique powers and abilities, along with a +10 bonus to one skill and five +5 skill bonuses. All Skyrim races have the same movement speeds. There are 3 categories of races: Human, Mer (Elven) and Beast.

Skyrim Races and Abilities

Skyrim Races and Abilities


Breton (Manmer)
Home Province: High Rock

  • Resist Magic 25%
  • Power: Dragonskin

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Conjuration
  • +5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Speech

Imperial (Cyrodils)
Home Province: Cyrodiil

  • Imperial Luck
  • Power: Voice of the Emperor

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Restoration
  • +5 Block, Destruction, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, One-handed

Home Province: Skyrim

  • Resist Frost 50%
  • Power: Battlecry

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Two-handed
  • +5 Block, Light Armor, One-handed, Smithing, Speech

Home Province: Hammerfell

  • Resist Poison 50%
  • Power: Adrenaline Rush

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 One-handed
  • +5 Alteration, Archery, Block, Destruction, Smithing

Mer (Elven)

Altmer (High Elves)
Home Province: Summerset Isle

  • +50 Magicka
  • Power: Highborn

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Illusion
  • +5 Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Restoration

Bosmer (Wood Elves)
Home Province: Valenwood

  • Resist Poison 50%
  • Resist Disease 50%
  • Power: Command Animal

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Archery
  • +5 Alchemy, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak

Dunmer (Dark Elves)
Home Province: Morrowind

  • Resist Fire 50%
  • Power: Ancestor's Wrath

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Destruction
  • +5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Light Armor, Sneak

Orc (Orsimer or Pariah Folk)
Home Province: Orsinium

  • Power: Berserk

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Heavy Armor
  • +5 Block, Enchanting, One-handed, Smithing, Two-handed


Argonian (Saxhleel)
Home Province: Black Marsh

  • Resist Disease 50%
  • Water Breathing
  • Power: Histskin

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Lockpicking
  • +5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak

Home Province: Elsweyr

  • Claw Attacks
  • Power: Eye of Night

Initial Skill Bonuses:
  • +10 Sneak
  • +5 Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, One-handed

I hope the list of Skyrim races and abilities above can be useful for you. You're also can share the list of Skyrim races and abilities above to your friends.

*Source: UESP

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