You must read Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition Reviews before you buy it! In here, you can find MW3 Hardened Edition reviews from real users. MW3 Hardened Edition is only available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The special Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 contains a variety of physical and digital bonus items. Boasting multiplayer map packs, memberships, in-game unlockables, and a one-of-a-kind book bound by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s untold secrets, the “Hardened Edition” is the definitive experience for the Call of Duty fan. You can see the full list below:

Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition for PS3
Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition for Xbox 360
If you want to read MW3 Hardened Edition reviews from real users, you can read it below:
I hope MW3 Hardened Edition reviews above can be useful for you who interested to buy Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition. If you want to buy this game, I highly recommend you to buy it on Amazon

Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition for PS3
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for PlayStation 3
- One year of full membership in Call of Duty Elite service (includes future DLC, map packs, etc.)
- Founder Status (includes in-game emblem, player card, weapons camouflage, clan XP boost and more)
- SteelBook Case
- Exclusive PlayStation Network animated timeline theme
- Limited Edition Field Journal
Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition for Xbox 360
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for Xbox 360
- One year of full membership in Call of Duty Elite service (includes future DLC, map packs, etc.)
- Founder Status (includes in-game emblem, player card, weapons camouflage, clan XP boost and more)
- SteelBook Case
- Special Ops Juggernaut Xbox LIVE Outfit
- Limited Edition Field Journal
If you want to read MW3 Hardened Edition reviews from real users, you can read it below:
Reviewed by Tepozan
Buying this game hardened edition was well worth the extra $40 compared from the $59.99 retail price because you save A LOT in the long run
1. You get the year long elite membership priced at $49.99
2. You get all the DLC that will be released in the future with the hardened edition. Let's assume that's 4 map maps each priced at $15. Now that's $60 right there just by buying the the hardened edition.
And by the way the Hardened Edition is priced at $99.99. It is not $170 or $200 those are other people trying to sell it, that's not the actual price.
The game is well balanced. So far there isn't a lot of ghost users. Most of the players have been using Quickdraw or Overkill. The point system is well balanced and the AC-130 wrecks just like it did in MW2. Most of the maps are medium sized maps and there is just so much gun on gun action. Less Campers too!
Reviewed by Supra Lover
I look forward to buying the hardened edition because after that a year from now my membership will be over and then i'll just buy the next Call of Duty that comes out cause I'll eventually get tired of this game, just like black ops, and will then be looking forward to the next installment from Call of Duty. So in the end you would save money:) But other than that this game will be a welcomed change from COD BO
Reviewed by Malcolm X. Garrett "gym tonic"
I am a big cod fan i have to say,and i also have played almost every battlefield so i am not biased.cod 4 was really my favorite game.MW3 me back to those cod4 crack days where it was so hard to quit.Making that next level was always the goal.Mw3 shows that infinity ward learned from their mistakes.I will get into some deeper points.
Graphics=i have to admit that mw3's graphics are not up to snuff of the newer fps's.I find no excuse for not making a new engine after almost 6 years.The graphics still have more detail than past cod's though.
Story=vladamir makarov is still the main antagonist this time.You will travel all over the world and switch perspectives to unravel the mystery and atop makarov once and for all.Lots of past cod characters return including ghost,soap,price,griggs,and some new characters make their debut.The environments go from New York to Paris and back again.Open areas come into play to allow the player to have a bit of wiggling room when in combat.
Gameplay=cod had had the same game play since cod have your basic frag grenade,special grenade,zoom in and shoot.The dolphin diving has been removed,but u can still jump to prone.
Multiplayer=the crown jewel of cod.This time,the multiplayer has been completely revamped.Players who go for objectives that were looked over in past games are now rewarded with point-streaks.Strike packages have been introduced with contain sets of point-streaks.One for a objective player,one for a killing type of player,one for a defensive type of player,and one for a all around type of player.
I am a big fan of cod.I have prestige lots of times,and i fell mw3 has redeemed infinity ward in my eyes.cod may be hated for being a yearly franchise and not doing anything different but it is just fine with me.
I hope MW3 Hardened Edition reviews above can be useful for you who interested to buy Call of Duty: MW3 Hardened Edition. If you want to buy this game, I highly recommend you to buy it on Amazon
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